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Notice: Harry Edwards Foundation Summer Fair and Dog Show, August 31

Published on: 19 Jul, 2024
Updated on: 18 Jul, 2024

The Harry Edwards Foundation in Shere has been at the “heart of the healing community” for over 70 years.

Throughout the year it offers healing to people and animals both on site and remotely.

Dr Tim Ridge.

Each year it hosts a summer fair to bring together healers from its community to heal people and their pets. This year’s takes place on Saturday, August 31.

This year the charity’s two patrons will be present to teach people more about healing themselves and their animals.

Dr Tim Ridge will present The Human Energy Field, while wearing a bioresonant T-shirt, to explain how every person’s energy field works relating their physical health and their physical surroundings.

Elizabeth Whiter.

Elizabeth Whiter will give a live demonstration of animal healing and also be accompanied on the day by 10 graduates of the animal healing diploma so people can bring their pets along on the day for healing.

For more details click here for website.

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