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Notice: Local History Talk A Romany Lifestyle, Worplesdon Memorial Hall, Sunday, March 8

Published on: 3 Mar, 2020
Updated on: 3 Mar, 2020

Local historian and writer David Rose and ‘Rambling railwayman’ Geoff Burch are giving their fascinating illustrated talk A Romany Lifestyle, at Worplesdon Memorial Hall this Sunday, March 8 at 3pm.

They have combined to share pictures, stories and details about aspects of the history of Gypsy, traveller and itinerant worker communities in the local area.

Focusing on the places they made their camps, the work they once did harvesting on farms and market gardens, hop picking and their ways and traditions.

At the turn of the 20th century it was a hard life for these people who were often very poor indeed.

The talk features lots of vintage pictures from David Rose’s collection and personal family details from Geoff Burch whose mother was born into a Gypsy family in Old Woking.

Free admission, tea and cake available during the interval.

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