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Ofsted Rates Kings College as ‘A Very Happy School Where Pupils Learn and Achieve Well’

Published on: 9 Jul, 2024
Updated on: 17 Jul, 2024

Students, staff and parents at Kings College Guildford are smiling as Ofsted has released the report from its visit on June 5, confirming that it “continues to be a good school”.

In a glowing report, inspectors highlight that “pupils’ achievement and well-being are centre stage at Kings College” and that “pupils are proud of their school”.

Ofsted’s latest inspection of Kings College in Park Barn, Guildford, said “pupils are proud of their school”.

Within the classroom, the report highlights that pupils “talk about their learning with fluency” and about a “well-ordered curriculum where lessons are focused, relevant and interesting to pupils”.

It states: “Pupils behave well here,” and the report emphasises the “clear and consistent” approach to a strict behaviour system which pupils understand exists because they care. As a result “the school is safe and harmonious”.

Principal Alastair McKenzie said: “We are pleased that the inspection team were able to experience the positive and purposeful atmosphere of the school.

“The team here work incredibly hard and are highly ambitious for all of our students.

“Some of the comments made to the inspection team by students and parents were wonderful and we really are proud of the whole community.”

Jack Mayhew, CEO of the Learning Partners Academy Trust, which the school belongs to, said: “It is a fantastic report that pays tribute to the day-to-day experience of students and staff alike.

“The trust central team have been based here all year and we’ve been so impressed with the constant positivity and politeness of students, as well as the focus and drive of the staff team. We feel the report captures the school well.”

Families wishing to visit the school ready for admissions in September 2025 can do so on an open evening on Tuesday, October 1 and then on the mornings of Tuesday and Thursday, October 8 and 10.

More details are available on the school’s website.

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