By John Armstrong
chairman of the Guildford Ukip party
More often than not The Dragon deals with local issues, but with the imposition of development targets over the heads of local representatives, it has become impossible to separate local issues from the bigger picture; both nationally and globally.
Globalisation is coming to a green field near you.
The housing developments, even onto the green belt, which we were promised was safe, are mere brush strokes upon a much larger canvass.
The EU for it’s part, is a test-bed for a much larger political project of global reach. If they can make the Euro work, and if they can make Schengen work, I suspect it will be rolled out globally, piece by piece.
The EU is keen to enlarge, and to bring in the severely impoverished new accession countries of : Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Turkey; (and there are more waiting in the wings) all of which will need a great deal of money.
Given that we are one of the very few net contributors to the EU budget, I wonder what that will mean for our annual contributions? I know we have been reassured by the prime minister, that it will take decades for Turkey to meet the entry criteria, but do you believe him?
After all, he does have form. David Cameron, in all of Europe, is the keenest advocate of Turkey’s accession. We have already seen bankrupt nations fast tracked, so why not Turkey?
Greece did not meet the criteria for the Euro – and yet… What then of the British veto? It is grossly misleading I think, to reassure voters with a veto, if you have no intention of using it.
They are so eager to bring this political project to fruition that they are willing to cast aside all caution.
It is not only our direct membership contribution that we have to consider when it comes to the overall cost of EU membership. There is the thorny issue of child benefit and tax credits paid to EU migrants who’s children remain in the home country.
In 2013 the figure was 50,000 children at a total cost of £55 million per annum, or £1 million a week. The prime minister was attempting to reduce child benefit to two children per family, but only to head off Euro-sceptics and Ukip. I don’t know what progress he has made.
Let us consider that we vote to remain. He will no longer have to bother and the EU will be able to have its way with us. In that scenario it is entirely possible, that with the accession countries, where the culture is to have larger families, firmly ensconced we will be paying more child benefits and tax credits into the enlarged EU than we do to our own people here in the UK.
Immigration and control of our borders are much in the news. The Dymchurch affair has highlighted our government’s lamentable negligence in this regard. I guess common sense would tell us that such a thing was possible, indeed probable.
It comes as a shock though to realise that not only did the locals know what was going on, (and for some time) so did the UK Border Force and, ergo, the government.
It begs the question why was it allowed to continue? One can only conclude that the government just do not care how many illegal immigrants are entering the country.
It would appear not so much that they have lost control of our border; but that the UK Border Force is just window dressing, much to the frustration of the personnel, and government have no intention of controlling our borders.
As far as the government is concerned, it would seem, that we are in Schengen in all but name. The migrants in Calais are only held there while Ukip is a threat.
If we vote to remain the Mayor of Calais will be very relieved indeed. Over to you Monsieur Cameron.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Henry Gilbert
June 2, 2016 at 10:42 am
Well said.
George Dokimakis
June 2, 2016 at 3:02 pm
This article has a misleading headline. It is about the EU referendum not the green belt. The leap of subject from a local issue to the EU debate is a big one. The article should be retitled.
Also, I fear that Ukip just see the EU as the big great wolf that brings all evils to the UK.
As with any and every institution change is possible should the members wish it so. It would make a lot more sense if our 24 Ukip MEPs actually engaged in a constructive way instead of having the worst voting record across the EU of all political parties from all member states. When they do decide to vote it is automatically against any and every change.
George Dokimakis is the vice chairman of the Guildford Labour party.
John Armstrong
June 3, 2016 at 12:26 pm
I thank Mr Dokimakis for his comments but I must disagree that the title is misleading.
The point of the article is to point out that although the green belt appears to be a local issue; it is in fact a global issue with local consequences.
Building over the green belt is just the start on it.
There is much more to come, and the driving force is a global agenda of which the EU is just a part. The queues in these parts are not backing up at medical centres just yet; but they will.
As for changing the EU from within. Every EU member state would have to elect a Eurosceptic government who would then have to send a Eurosceptic commissioner to Brussels who would then have make sure all the staff and civil servants were Eurosceptic; It will never happen.
I would urge Mr Dokimakis to speak to the party leadership. Persuade them to change their stance and join the Leave campaign; Lead your people out of the EU and stop importing cheap labour to do their jobs.
David Pillinger
June 13, 2016 at 3:03 pm
I’m in two minds about the green belt.
On the one hand some of it is pretty and well worth maintaining. In some areas it just looks like scrubland.
I really do believe we should consider all options.
I for one, with four children, have contributed to population growth greatly.
If they each have just two children, my wife and I will be responsible for adding 12 people to the population by the time we kick the bucket, and they will all need housing!
So we need to start losing our nimbyism and being realistic about building targets.
I am very much in favour of high-rise housing, for example, around transport hubs in city centres.
This can be attractive architecturally and is perfect for modern living where people want convenience, no garden to mow and modern sustainable dwelling.