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Opinion: Who On Earth Wants To Be In Politics? Do You?

Published on: 8 Sep, 2018
Updated on: 21 Nov, 2018

This is the first in a series of opinion pieces from all the political parties and the Independent councillors who currently form Guildford Borough Council (GBC) in the period between now and next May (2019) when the borough elections will take place.

We are grateful to all the participants for agreeing to take part. Our aim is to allow our readers to hear from local politicians directly and become better informed of the political choice they have before they cast their votes…

By Ciaran Doran

chair, Guildford Liberal Democrats

Who on earth wants to be in politics?  Do you?

Do I?  No, and Yes, in that order.

No, because like everyone I’d prefer to spend time with my family or be out cycling or walking in our lovely countryside.  Yes, because I’m tired and fed up that the people currently running our council and our country seem to be living in a vacuum, furthering their own interests, rather than working for the benefit of the whole community.

I am tired of being an armchair activist and have decided to get up and do something for the town that I love and which I’ve seen driven to extremes since I moved here 35 years ago.

Why is Guildford the most congested town in Britain?

Why is it so difficult for children raised in Guildford to afford to live here once they leave home?

Why, in one of the wealthiest parts of the UK, are there people reliant on food banks?

I ask these questions because I want us to change things in Guildford – don’t you?

I’m new to this game, but to me, politics is the art of making things better for everyone across our community.

Unfortunately, the current majority on Guildford Borough Council / Surrey County Council are making a hash of it – and yes, there’s a huge amount of blame that can be laid at the feet of central government but they’re all Conservative majorities from top to bottom – and they’re all blaming each other.

They’re doing such a bad job that even their own people are leaving, the ones who have the decency to do so.

I joined the Liberal Democrats because the majority of their values match mine. Our aspiration for Guildford and the surrounding areas is to drive a stronger economic hub that enables this area to thrive for homegrown businesses, as well as bringing employers, jobs and visitors to the borough.

We want to create an economy that encourages employers to come to Guildford, rather than leave.  We want a town centre that functions properly with the right level of town centre housing.

We want an integrated, sustainable transit network so that while traffic can navigate easily, the transit connections work for everyone. We have a major transport corridor, the A3, cutting the town in half without easy and safe ways to get from home to work or school.

We want to fix our housing strategy to work for everyone in Guildford.  We don’t have enough affordable or social houses while the very people working in Guildford’s essential services live outside the borough.  Brownfield sites have been “earmarked” for development far too long.

Guildford could and should be a great place for everyone to live and work.  If, like me, you are tired of our town and borough being run with a lack of competence and you want more, and you would like to make Guildford a great place to live again, then come and join me.  Together, let’s demand better for ourselves and for Guildford.

In two week’s time, it will be the turn of an Independent councillor.

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Responses to Opinion: Who On Earth Wants To Be In Politics? Do You?

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    September 8, 2018 at 9:44 am

    These are truly commendable aims and we should fight to achieve them.

    However, the official opposition group at GBC seems to be very quiet these days.

  2. Jennifer Procter Reply

    September 8, 2018 at 1:22 pm

    Fine words and no doubt well intentioned but as Bernard Parke comments, the opposition has been quiet. It has also been limited. Words are all well and good but only to be believed if action follows.

    The Conservatives proclaimed their intention to protect green belt very loudly at the last round of council elections. So much for promises.

  3. Ben Paton Reply

    September 8, 2018 at 4:07 pm

    Some admirable sentiments. But it is easier to ask “why?” than it is to give a coherent explanation.

    Anyone can come up with a wish list.

    All politicians can list their wants. Perhaps they think that if their list is long enough it will coincide with enough voter’s “wants” to get them elected.

    Asking why and listing what you want is not a strategy. Instead of asking why, it would be good if politicians explained how they were going to deliver.

  4. Jules Cranwell Reply

    September 11, 2018 at 5:27 pm

    The official opposition has largely followed the Tory ‘Trajectory’, and has supported their ruinous Local Plan, instead of fighting for a decent plan, so I don’t see much difference between them.

    This plan will deliver zero truly affordable homes or social housing. 80% of prevailing Guildford prices is most obviously not affordable to those in dire need, such as key workers. Plus, with the “get out of jail card” the executive has granted developers, on the basis of “viabiliy”, it is doubtful if much, if any, will be provided.

    Can we please stop perpetuating this “affordable” myth.

  5. Valerie Thompson Reply

    September 12, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    Not only did the Conservatives (ie the bulk of councillors at GBC) pledge to retain, conserve, protect or whatever word you prefer, the green belt, but they have shown no special circumstances, as required by the regulations pertaining to Local Plans, which would allow them the wholesale destruction of green belt around Guildford. This is undemocratic and immoral.

    Neither have they ever declared “openly and transparently” why the number of houses proposed is so enormous.

    There is also provision in the regulations for refusing to accept a larger number of houses than the area can absorb when there is no plan for improved infrastructure but the GBC executive seem determined to follow the “trajectory” set in motion by the former leader, Stephen Mansbridge and his convicted accomplice, the former lead councillor for planning.

    One has to question why they are reserving large areas of central Guildford, without any plans for development, while aiming to destroy the countryside around.

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