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Paddling Pool’s Refurbishment Means It’s An Even Better Place To Splash About In!

Published on: 2 May, 2016
Updated on: 3 May, 2016

Stoke Park’s paddling pool has been refurbished and was officially opened by the Mayor of Guildford today (bank holiday Monday, May 2).

It's open! The Mayor of Guildford, Nikki nelson-Smith at the opening of the refurbished paddleing pool in Stoke Park.

It’s open! The Mayor of Guildford, Nikki Nelson-Smith, at the opening of the refurbished paddling pool in Stoke Park.

A large crowd gathered at the pool to see the mayor, Cllr Nikki Nelson-Smith, cut a red ribbon to declare the pool open.

Newly installed water jets were turned on and soon after young children took to the water on a morning that was not particulaly warm, but with the sun making a welcome appearance through the overcast sky.

In her speech the mayor said that the pool dates back to 1935 and was opened with the adjoining boating pond and rockery garden to commemorate the silver jubilee of George V. It was originally called the Jubilee Gardens.

In thanking some of those who have been part of the project, the mayor said: “I would like to thank the staff of parks and leisure for their persistent hard work and care to initiate and progress the refurbishment as well as their staff who work in all weathers to maintain the gardens and ensure they are looking as beautiful as they are today.

“Thank you Kevin Hopkins, Sally Astles, Kevin Street and his team of gardeners and Fin Wakefield and her team of Rangers who oversee the operation of the pool. I would also like to thank Scott Jagdeo of the council’s asset development, who, despite a broken ankle, continued to provide the building surveying project management of the plant room and ensure it completed on time.”

Geoff Speak from the council's Parks and Leisure Services department in the new plant building that houses new filtration equipment and pumps.

Geoff Spear from the council’s Parks and Leisure Services department in the new plant room building that houses new filtration equipment and pumps.

During the past few months a £350,000 refurbishment project has seen a new plant room building erected that houses new filtration and pumping equipment of the latest technology, which is equivalent to that used at the Spectrum leisure centre.

Stoke Park and the paddling pool are managed and maintained by Guildford Borough Council’s Parks and Leisure Services department.

New water jets are at each end of the paddling pool.

New water jets are at each end of the paddling pool.

Adding to the fun of the opening today was a jazz band, free refreshments, and a display telling the story of Stoke Park with vintage pictures, some of which were supplied by local historian David Rose.

Also on hand were staff from the council’s Playrangers team who were handing out free frizbees and giving details of their services across the borough.

How the paddling pool looked when it was opened in 1935.

How the paddling pool looked when it was opened in 1935.

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Responses to Paddling Pool’s Refurbishment Means It’s An Even Better Place To Splash About In!

  1. Jan Messinger Reply

    May 2, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    Delighted to see the refurbishment. Hopefully free to all for many years to come.

    Wonderful it has been there for so long.

    So many generations have such happy memories enjoying the paddling pool at Stoke Park.

  2. Bernard Parke Reply

    May 2, 2016 at 9:35 pm

    We have been very fortunate in having such a delightful mayor who has been a credit to our borough.

    How refreshing it has been in such an unsettled time over the past few years at Millmead.

  3. Pete Brayne Reply

    May 3, 2016 at 10:02 am

    Gosh, granite sets repaired and paddling pool refurbished. Is Guildford really getting its act together?

  4. Andy Saunders Reply

    May 3, 2016 at 10:21 pm

    Why isn’t it still called George V Jubilee Gardens? It’s a far better name than Stoke park paddling pool.

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