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Letter: Risk Assessment Required Work To Be Done to Reduce Fire Risk

From: Name and email address provided in response to: Two-thirds of London Road Cycle Scheme Deferred or Cancelled The most recent Fire Risk Assessment for Wodehouse Place completed on January…

Letter: What Churchill Might Have Called: “A Terminological Inexactitude”

From: Terry Newman Chair of the London Road Action Group (LRAG) See also: Dragon Interview: Authors of the ‘Alternative’ London Road Survey and The ‘Alternative’ Survey was Meaningless There has…

‘Don’t Bow to Naysayers’ Say Cycling Campaigners

By Chris Caulfield local democracy reporter Campaigners are calling on the county not to bow to a “minority of naysayers” and end its record as the UK’s worst for cycling…

Opinion: Conflict on the King’s Highway

By Terry Newman a personal view from chair of the London Road Action Group The media (social, print and online) make frequent references to conflicts between motorists and cyclists, motorists…

Letter: If Cycling Is Seen To Be Safer More Will Cycle

From: Helen Skinner In response to: The London Road Plans Are 100 per cent Better Than What We Have Those of us who cycle regularly around the rest of Guildford…

Letter: Safety Issues Related to Active Travel Schemes

From: Niels Laub See: Many Residents Want the London Road Scheme to Go Ahead Surrey County Council’s main justification for the Active Travel Scheme proposed for the London Road is…

Letter: The Spirit of Lewis Carroll Lives On!

From: Terry Newman chair of the London Road Action Group (LRAG) See: London Road – What Will SCC’s Survey Find? Following my letter of December 17 about how the results…

Letter: Why Tamper with Survey Data Whilst it is Still Active?

From: Terry Newman chair of the London Road Action Group (LRAG) See more London Road articles here. From the outset, LRAG has monitored the submissions made by the public to…

The Worplesdon Witness November 2023

Jan Messinger with her round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon Parish churches news St Mary’s at Perry Hill and St Alban’s at Wood Street Village held All…

A Time to Remember a Young RAF Volunteer Training Reserve Airman

By David Rose “Dear Mary. We had a terrible blow this evening – Ray was killed flying solo, crashed into a bungalow upside down. Perhaps you heard on the wireless.…