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The Worplesdon Witness November 2023

Published on: 14 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 13 Nov, 2023

Jan Messinger with her round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon

Parish churches news

St Mary’s at Perry Hill and St Alban’s at Wood Street Village held All Souls services.

Candles lit for the All Souls service at St Mary’s Church.

There was a well-attended quiz night to raise funds for the appeal to update the kitchen and toilet at St Mary’s.

Fund-raising quiz night.

The deadline for applicants for the Worplesdon Young Musician of the Year 2024 is on November 30.

St Mary’s Church will be hosting the Sime Gallery’s lecture with Professor Frances Spalding on Sunday, November 19

The Laudamus Chamber Choir will be holding its American Thanksgiving concert, from the Pilgrim Fathers to Broadway with music and readings at St Mary’s Church on Saturday, November 26.

On Mondays and Thursdays at 9am there are prayer services via Zoom. Contact the rector on or for more details.

Worplesdon remembers its war dead

Acts of Remembrance were held throughout the parish on Saturday, November  11, organised by Worplesdon Parish Council.

Remembering Worplesdon’s war dead at the Queenhythe Lilly Bell II memorial.

Parish clerk Gaynor White laid a poppy wreath at the Queenhythe Lilly Bell II memorial in Jacobs Well, attended by parish chairman Nigel Mitchell.

Wreath laid on the memorial bench in Harry’s Meadow, Jacobs Well.

Parish councillor Dr Paul Cragg laid a wreath at Harry’s Meadow,  Jacobs Well.

Assistant parish clerk lerk Victoria Fear laid a wreath at St Alban’s Church, Wood Street Village.

The parish council Groundsman Peter Trevena laid a wreath at Merrist Wood Golf Club, where there is a memorial to those who lost their lives when a Halifax bomber aircraft crashed there during the Second World War.

Cllr Jan Messinger laid a wreath at St Mary’s Church, Perry Hill.

Rydes Hill Preparatory School held an act of remembrance on Friday, November 10, during its middle preparatory children’ s assembly.

Selling Royal British Legion poppies at Rydes Hill Preparatory School.

Royal British Legion poppies are sold reminding pupils of the need to strive for peace.

Hallowe’en events

Worplesdon View care home held a quiz and decorated pumpkins, while Merrist Wood College held a pumpkin patch event with animals, and staff carved the pumpkins.

The college also held held a scarecrow building competition and the joint winners were the equine team Magical Mane and the work experience team of three spooky witches.

Several Fairlands residents decorated their homes ready for trick or treaters.

Pumpkins at the Christmas bakery.

There were decorations at the Christmas bakery along with seasonal cakes, gingerbread ghosts, ghoulish cup cakes, and spider-decorated shortbreads.

There was even something for dogs with “spooktastic wagtastic” treats!

There was a “spooktacular” Worplesdon Ceroc meeting on Hallowe’en night at Worplesdon Memorial Hall.

Spooky pencil drawings at the Sime Gallery.

The Sime Gallery held an adult and child Hallowe’en art event and the pencil drawing of some of Sime’s artwork certainly had a spooky fantasy feel.

Honk musical at Worplesdon Memorial Hall from November 15 to 18

Worplesdon Memorial Hall plays host to Honk, a musical production with a twist on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling.

It runs from November 15 to 18 and is hosted by Sunflower Productions, who first used the hall 10 years ago for its first fundraiser.

This year it is raising funds for the Royal Surrey Hospital’s charity Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Services.

Performing arts group marks 10th anniversary

Dynamic Performing Arts, that teaches ballet, dance, drama, singing and arts and crafts has been using Worplesdon Memorial Hall for the past 10 years.

It hosts term time Saturday classes, holiday clubs and performances.

Miss Antonia said: “Time flies when doing a job you love,” and it’s certainly the joy that is heard and the children have a wonderful time performing.

Worplesdon Primary’ School’s PTA’s Christmas fair

The Christmas fair will be on Sunday, December 3, and in the run up to the festive season pupils will be having a Christmas jumper day, a Christmas lunch, seasonal productions as well as carols by candlelight for Years 5 and 6.

Meanwhile, Years 3 and 4 will have a carol service at St Mary’s Church

Term finishes on December 15, and the new term starts on January 3.

Wood Street Infant School’s Christmas fair is on Saturday, December 9.

Festive funday at Merrist Wood College on December 2

Christmas in Fairlands

The Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association is holding a seniors Christmas tea party on Sunday afternoon, December 17 at Fairlands community hall.

The association members’ children and grandchildren’s Christmas party, for those aged three to 11, is on Sunday afternoon, December 10. Father Christmas will be there too.

Please book by contacting Linda Bull on 01483 826431 no later than December 3.

Father Christmas will be visiting Fairlands estate, Gravetts Lane, Liddington New Road and Liddington Hall Drive on December 17, leaving from the community centre at 4pm.

Autumn at Britten’s Pond

Autumn colours at Britten’s Pond.

A mild October has resulted in perfect photo opportunities at Britten’s Pond, off Salt Box Road, where swans and geese swim over as soon as you arrive.

Fishing is favourable even on a Tuesday! However, you are reminded about the algae in the pond.

Report from Worplesdon Parish Council 

There was a general purpose meeting on October 12, a staffing committee meeting on October 30 and a full council meeting on November 2.

Planning applications have been scrutinised, a discussion about planting trees throughout the parish, Christmas illuminations, payments, and the draft budget for 2024-2025.

Also covered were discussion about the 2o24 Wood Street Village show and jazz festival, carol singing on Wood Street Village Green, an active travel scheme for London Road (that affects Burpham) , photographing cars parked at Jacobs Well recreational ground, and fundraising for St Mary’s Church..

Parish clerk Gaynor White and assistant clerk Victoria Fear visited the new Silverbirch House care home at Montague Place, off Keens Lane, to meet its general manager Louise White.

The official opening of the care home will be on December 7.

Visitors are welcome on Wednesdays to view it, and enjoy cake and a cuppa.

There was also a visit to the Stella Hancock Driving Group at Merrist Wood College, who have been  awarded a small grant by the parish council.

The group enables disabled people safe carriage driving in rural surroundings.

New salt bin at Perry Hill green.

New salt bins have been installed in preparation for severe weather.

Last year, leaking water froze across the A322, which made driving on to it from Coombe Lane at Perry Hill difficult.

News from Worplesdon’s pubs

Worplesdon Place hotel and pub is inviting customers to pop in for a Sunday lunch and a warm up by their fire.

Phase one of its refurbished cosy rooms is complete. Bar snacks now include chilli cheese straw, pork crackling and pickled eggs.

At the White Hart pub at Wood Street Village there is Christmas wreath making on December 2 and 9, from 4pm to 6pm. Cost £30. Phone 01483 662243 for more information.

As the owners have been there a year now, during November there is a 20% discount on food.

The Cricketers pub will be holding a festive “Gonk “making workshop on November 15 and December 6, from 7pm to 9.30pm, for £35.

Anyone who has been disrupted by over-night closure of the road outside the pub recently, will be delighted the dips in the road have been filled and the road resurfaced and lines painted.

Bakery taking bookings for festive fare, but beware flooded footpath!

The Christmas bakery at  Rickford is now taking orders for chocolate Yule logs.

However, regular flooding is back. Therefore, beware if you are looking to walk to the bakery along the public footpath across Merrist Wood College land.

The flooded footpath at the foot of Rickford Hill near the Christmas bakery.

Meanwhile, Worplesdon Parish Council is holding another flood forum meeting on Friday, November 17.

It will be chaired by Guildford MP Angela Richardson and the agenda can be viewed at 

The aims of the flood forum is to highlight flooding hotspots to those responsible, to be rectified.

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