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Letter: How Can We Trust a Council That Makes Such Simple Errors

From: Terry Newman Chair of the London Road Action Group How much confidence should the public have in what Surrey County Council says and proposes to do in connection with…

Letter: Is This Openness and Transparency?

From: Terry Newman chair of the London Road Action Group Surrey County Council has finally published its report on Traffic Modelling the effects of the Burpham to Guildford Active Travel…

Letter: Alternative Cycle Paths

From: Niels Laub In response to: We Do Need to Make Our Roads Safer for Cycling If London Road was a nice wide road with plenty of room for segregated…

Letter: I Hope The Planning Inspector Is Aware of the Whole Background to the Wisley Application

From David Roberts Cllr Matt Furniss’s recent letter to The Dragon (My Response to Niels Laub’s Letter on the London Road Scheme) reminds us that it’s not just about the…

Letter: To Argue That Any Answer Is Better Than None Is Dangerous

From: Ben Paton In response to: London Road Scheme Is Not Perfect But Better Than No Scheme At All This argument, that something or some plan is better than nothing…

Letter: Secrecy Does Breed Distrust

From: Terry Newman chair of the London Road Action Group In response to: My Response to Niels Laub’s Letter on the London Road Scheme Just over two weeks into the…

Letter: Who Said Politicians Weren’t Two-faced?

From: Terry Newman Chair of the London Road Action Group What a delicious juxtaposition of irony two recent Dragon articles have produced! The editor produces an excellent review of the…

Photo Feature: Stunning Images of Guildford Town

Here is a selection of super photographs featuring Guildford town, recently taken by Nicholas W – photographer from Stockholm. We hope you enjoy looking at them……

Letter: I Thank Niels Laub for His Well-researched Letter

From Bibhas Neogi In response to: Some Concerns About the London Road Active Travel Scheme I thank Neils Laub for his well-researched article pointing out the safety issues of this…

Letter: I Hope the Architects of This Dubious Scheme Take Note

From: Moira Brown In response to: Some Concerns About the London Road Active Travel Scheme I sincerely hope the very comprehensive account of the obvious problems with the Active Travel…