Fringe Box



Letter: I Hope the Architects of This Dubious Scheme Take Note

Published on: 21 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 21 Sep, 2023

From: Moira Brown

In response to: Some Concerns About the London Road Active Travel Scheme

I sincerely hope the very comprehensive account of the obvious problems with the Active Travel Plan outlined in Niels Laub’s letter have been passed to the architects of this dubious scheme as well as the body who are funding it.

It’s becoming very obvious that the safety of pedestrians and cyclists will not be improved by this plan. If common sense does not prevail, and the project goes ahead, I hope the officers responsible for designing the scheme will be named and held liable for the accidents and chaos which will inevitably ensue.

The survey ,designed as part of the consultation, failed to ask some key questions such as: “Are you in favour of the scheme?” or “Do you think this plan will improve the situation for pedestrians and cyclists?”

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