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On The Campaigns: Peace Party ‘Prepared To Die Rather Than Kill’

The Guildford Dragon NEWS is keeping eyes and ears on Guildford’s General Election candidates, staying with them on their campaigning to observe their reception. We were with John Morris of…

Letter: Proof that Conservatives Are Happy to Permit Green Belt Development

From Anthony Edwards Spokesperson for Wisley Action Group In response to: Dragon Interview: Angela Richardson, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate There we have it. Proof positive that the Conservatives are happy for…

Letter: The UK Cannot Re-house All That Wish to Come Here

From Ben Paton In response to: Dragon Interview: Zoe Franklin, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate The evidence for migration is set out on by Migration Watch, for those interested in the…

Woking’s Former Mayor Joins Those Jockeying for Position as General Election Looms

By Rebecca Curley local democracy reporter and Martin Giles A no-deal Brexit will be disastrous for Woking, according to the former mayor who has been selected to stand as the…

Analysis: It’s Not the Economy, It’s Brexit, Stupid!

By Martin Giles The phoney war that gave us the strange return to two-party politics in 2017 is long over. The realignment of British politics is underway and the tremors…

Soul-Searching Ordeal of MP Milton. Doubts, Shock, Fears, Tears And the Future She Sees

Dragon Interview: Guildford’s deselected MP Anne Milton, former skills minister, health minister and deputy chief whip, talks to Martin Giles, editor of The Dragon NEWS, about the emotional journey that…

Changes Mean You Should Check Your Polling Station For EU Elections

By Chris Jewers Some polling stations in Guildford have been changed for the European Parliament elections tomorrow (May 23). With the Brexit decision delayed until October 31, the upcoming election…

The Dragon Says: Power-shares Will Reveal True Face of New Lib Dem Council

Any honeymoon period for the new Lib Dem council is likely to be short. Soon, very soon, we should see what Caroline Reeves meant by “partnership working” when making her…

Updated – Lib Dems Secure Leadership Of Borough Council With Tory and Labour Votes

Guildford’s Lib Dem chief Caroline Reeves was voted in as new leader of the borough council last night (May 15, 2019) in an unusually contested election caused by no party…

Effingham Eye: Looking Back on Two AGMs and Forwards to Local Events

Chris Dick’s personal view on recent news such as a new magazine, two annual general meetings and some up and coming events in Effingham… It is always a pleasure to announce…