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Dragon Interview: Ramsey Nagaty GGG – ‘Important We Are Elected for a Robust Local Plan Review’

The Guildford Dragon NEWS is conducting a series of interviews with the leaders, or nominated representatives, of the various parties at Guildford Borough Council in the lead-up to the local…

Dragon Interview: George Potter Lib Dems – ‘Transport Infrastructure Needs Examining’

The Guildford Dragon NEWS is conducting a series of interviews with the leaders, or nominated representatives, of the various parties at Guildford Borough Council in the lead-up to the local…

Dragon Interview: Sam Peters Green Party – ‘Guildford Doesn’t Want Woking Tower Blocks’

The Guildford Dragon NEWS is conducting a series of interviews with the leaders, or nominated representatives, of the various parties at Guildford Borough Council in the lead-up to the local…

Dragon Interview: Joss Bigmore – R4GV Will ‘Update Local Plan by May 2024, Not Just Review It’

The Guildford Dragon NEWS is conducting a series of interviews with the leaders, or nominated representatives, of the various parties at Guildford Borough Council in the lead up to the…

Dragon Interview: ‘R4GV Have Resisted Climate Change Plan’ says Lib Dem Councillor

By Hugh Coakley The outspoken councillor, George Potter, said the Lib Dems “are the only party remotely interested in the climate change action plan” as he defended the council’s “ambitious”…

Dragon Interview: Cllr Rigg Says ‘If the Developers Walk Away It Will Be A Disaster for Guildford’

John Rigg, the lead councillor at Guildford Borough Council responsible for Regeneration, is still clearly smarting from the rejection in January of the North Street Planning application from the St…

Dragon Interview: Council’s Complaints Process Is ‘Not Fit For Purpose’ Pt 2 – How Do We Fix It?

It is rare to get an insider’s objective view of the borough council so we should really value this contribution from Bernard Quoroll, a retired solicitor living in Guildford, who…

Guildford Action: Helping People One Step At A Time

Grace Eakin is an undergraduate studying for a degree in philosophy at the University of Reading, who also has links with Guildford. Here she takes a look at the important…

Dragon Interview: Col Patrick Crowley, On His Book ‘Infantry Diehards’

A new book, Infantry Die Hards: Anatomy of a Regiment tells readers about the British Army’s infantry, perhaps the least glamorous arm, but as Field Marshal Montgomery said: “Without them,…

Dragon Interview: Hannah Dalton, RASSU

The proposal put forward by Surrey County Council’s leader Tim Oliver to make Surrey a single, large unitary authority caught most by surprise. Battle lines are now being formed within…