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Letter: This is the ‘Usual Twaddle’ From Wisley Airfield Promoters

From Ben Paton In response to Opinion: Our Development will Provide an Affordable Housing Choice This is the usual twaddle from the promoters of this unsustainable site. 1. Housing Waiting…

‘Too Little, Too Late’ Says Guildford MP on PM’s Performance After Publication of ‘Partygate’ Report

By Martin Giles “I am clear that had that been a report about my leadership, I would resign,” is Angela Richardson’s damming and pointed conclusion in her statement on Sue…

Comment: You Can Fool a Lot of the People, a Lot of the Time

By Ben Paton Ockham resident and former Conservative and GGG candidate In the Settlement Hierarchy analysis that Guildford Borough Council commissioned for its disastrous Local Plan, Ockham was the second…

Letter: Why Not Re-purpose Debenhams as Council Offices?

From: Richard Mills vice-chair of Guildford Town Centre Conservatives See also: Welcome to Woking-on-the-Wey! In response to my expression of concern at the potential height and mass of buildings in…

Pushing Pedals: Do You Know Your Highway Code? Time To Re-load!

This is the monthly column on local cycling by the Guildford Bicycle User Group (G-BUG). Its vision is to make cycling in Guildford safer, more convenient and fun. Members share…

Pushing Pedals: If You Like Cycling for Fun, Be Sure to Respond to This One

This is the latest monthly column on local cycling by the Guildford Bicycle User Group (G-BUG). Its vision is to make cycling in Guildford safer, more convenient and fun. Members…

Letter: Developer Profit Seems to Drown Obvious Reasons Why Ockham Isn’t Suitable for Building

From: Ben Paton In response to: M25 Junction 10 Decision Delayed By Secretary Of State GBC’s 2014 Settlement Hierarchy ranked Ockham at 31 out of 32 settlements, almost the least…

Letter: The Lack of Objective Testing in the Local Plan Beggars Belief

From: Julian Lyon In response to: Why the Former Council Avoided Sustainability in the Local Plan I think, to understand the sustainability of the proposals in Guildford’s Local Plan we…

The Effingham Eye: Car Park Charges Scrapped, Pub Likely To Close, A Donkey At Church, And More

Chris Dick gives his personal report on good news for the future and some recent events in Effingham that include: a presentation to the parish council on yet more houses,  a friendly donkey, wasteful parking…

Opinion: Local Plan Has Left New Council With Housing Headache

By Martin Giles There is no doubt that rushing through Guildford’s Local Plan has left the new council with a major problem.  If it cannot be significantly changed, and quickly,…

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