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Letter: All We Need Is Consistency in Planning Decisions

Published on: 6 Sep, 2024
Updated on: 8 Sep, 2024

From John Ferns

In response to: Developers Submit New Plan for Housing at Ash Green’s Ancient Manor House

Jules Cranwell says that the developers will continue to grind us down.

If so it will not be without the already significant costs that this developer has incurred regarding the Ash Manor site over the last nine years.

Previously four had been refused (and one non-determined), resulting in two dismissed appeals, vigorously pursued by Ash Green Residents Association (AGRA). The  fourth, approved by the local planning authority , resulted in a successful Judicial Review, in favour of the residents.

And to add further insult to the developer’s injury, four years ago they bought two of the listed buildings within the curtilage of the development, costing £2.3 million before associated expenses, one of which is now listed for sale at £300k less than their purchase price of £1.5 million!

Readers can count on the Residents Association to mount another robust defence of this heritage site.

All that is required is consistency at planning committee level to agree with AGRA arguments but that is always difficult to achieve when the GBC Planning Department is minded to support development.

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