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Controversial Planning Documents Do Not Need Referral To The Full GBC Council

Two controversial planning documents, critical to Guildford’s short term development and subject of the Guildford Vision Group meeting on Tuesday evening, do not need to be referred to GBC’s full…

Where Is This? No.22

By David Rose Well done once again to those who recognised the locations of last week’s mystery date and vintage photo. Click here to see the comments of those who…

Town is Gripped by Olympic Torch Relay

Cycling was the best way to get around as vehicles avoided town centre David Rose’s blog on a day that will go down in Guildford’s history I hope Friday, July…

Where Is This? No.8

By David Rose Many of you correctly spotted the previous mystery location photo and mystery date. The photo was of Walnut Tree Close (railway station end) and the sign with…

Can You Identify These Locations? (27)

by David Rose Well done to all those who correctly identified last week’s mystery picture locations. The first photo was an early 1900s view of the Upper High Street. See…

What’s In A Road Name?

By David Rose Have you ever wondered about the origin of a particular road name in the Guildford area? Could it be named after a once well-known person, a corruption…

Can You Identify These Locations? (2)

Two more vintage photos coming up for you to identify. First, however, answers to the ones published previously. If you have been reading the replies, you will see that a number…

Can You Identify These Locations?

by David Rose Here are five vintage pictures from my collection that have rarely been seen in recent times. Can you work out where the locations are? In most of…