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Life in Solitary: A Wee Horticultural Problem

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Open toilets? I’ve been getting strange telephone calls lately from people I don’t know and have never met, asking if my “toilet facilities” will…

Column: Life in Solitary 5 – Reasons To Be Cheerful 1,2,3

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Reasons to be Cheerful I’m sure I’m not the only one to have noticed that the sun goes over the yardarm a full two…

Letter: I Love Life in Solitary But…

From Bridget Kendrick In response to: Life in Solitary 4 – Trimming The Locks Down At Home I love Tony Edward’s column, but take issue with his “Time to Fly?”.…

Column: Life in Solitary 4 – Trimming The Locks Down At Home

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Forward Thinking I don’t usually ask personal questions of people I don’t know but, ironically, social distancing seems to be breaking down my natural…

Column: Life in Solitary

The lighthearted Lock-Down Diary of Tony Edwards Channel Swim I’ve decided to swim the English Channel. Not literally, you understand. In line with present restrictions, I’m doing it “virtually”. Following…

Column: Life in Solitary

By Tony Edwards A fortnightly, light-hearted personal view of life during the coronavirus lockdown from a small study, somewhere in the Borough of Guildford… [Don’t] Hold The Front Page I’ve…

Column: Life in Solitary

By Tony Edwards A light-hearted personal view of life during the coronavirus lockdown from a small study, somewhere in the Borough of Guildford… Pointless post My postman has just sprinted…

Life in, You Know, Solitary

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Time to Do Nothing for Charity A cynical columnist on the Sunday Times once bet me £250 I couldn’t grab the national press headlines…

Surrey Wildlife Trust Appeals To Bring Pollinators Back from the Brink

Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) has launched an ambitious appeal to help halt the decline of the county’s bees, bugs and butterflies. Money raised will be used to restore and connect…

How Wildlife-friendly is Your Garden? Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Quiz Will Show You

If you want more butterflies and wildlife in your garden, take Surrey Wildlife Trust’s online wildlife garden quiz to get you started.  In less than two minutes, you’ll discover how…