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Council Leader Should Resign – Says Effingham Residents Association

A residents association in Effingham has called on the Guildford Borough Council (GBC) leader Stephen Mansbridge (Con, Ash South & Tongham) to resign. The call comes in a press release…

Lovelace By-election – Candidate Interview – Robin Woof Labour

The last time the Lovelace ward was contested, in 2011, Robin Woof raised some eyebrows by pushing the Lib Dems into third place, albeit behind a runaway Conservative winner, the…

It’s Officially a Four-horse Race For the Lovelace By-election

The finalised nomination list for the Lovelace by-election was published this morning (September 1) by Guildford Borough Council (GBC). As expected there are four candidates, one each for the Conservative,…

Lovelace By-election – Candidate Interview – David Sheppard UKIP

Perhaps still flushed with the success of the European election and the recent coup of persuading a Tory MP to resign his seat and stand as their candidate in the…

Letter: Ben Paton Selection Shows Common Sense At Last

From Tony Edwards The sweet smell of common sense appears to have at last permeated local Tory Party politics with the nomination of Ockham resident and campaigner Ben Paton as…

Lovelace By-Election – Candidate Interview – Ben Paton Conservative

The Conservative nomination for the Lovelace by-election has been announced. It is Ben Paton an Ockham resident, a member of the Guildford Greenbelt Group and a vociferous opponent of the…

Council Critic Becomes Tory Candidate in Lovelace By-election

A Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG) supporter and one of the most vociferous critics of the Conservative led Guildford Borough Council (GBC) had his nominated confirmed last night (August 28) as…

Lovelace By-Election – Candidate Interview – Colin Cross Lib Dem

The Liberal Democrats were the first to announce a candidate nomination for the Guildford Borough Council by-election in Lovelace ward, in the north-east of Guildford borough covering Ripley, Wisley and…

Lib Dems Are First to Announce Their Candidate for the Lovelace By-election

The Guildford Lib Dems were this evening (August 17) the first political party to announce who will stand as their candidate in the forthcoming by-election in Lovelace ward that covers…

Letter: Is The Draft Local Plan Questionnaire A Disgrace?

From Ben Paton The Dragon Says article Silly Questions? Don’t Worry – Tell the Council Your Views Anyway is the voice of common sense. Guildford Borough Council (GBC) should take…