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Berkeley Homes Demand 110 Extra ‘Enabling’ Houses in Effingham

By Chris Dick On March 1, The Dragon published a letter from Ms Heléna Lawrence, founder of the Say No to Berkeley Homes Campaign, opposing the building of 110 extra…

The Worplesdon Witness March 2021

Jan Messinger with her monthly round-up of news from the parish of Worplesdon. Spring is here! Spring is beginning to come to Worplesdon, with more people out walking using the…

Interim Normandy Councillors Start to Sort Out ‘Imploded’ Council

By Hugh Coakley Normandy Parish Council was resurrected last night (March 11) when five interim councillors, appointed by Guildford Borough Council, met online. Showing their support and interest, 35 members…

Opinion: Green Shoots of Openness and Transparency Sprout at Millmead

By John Redpath R4GV borough councillor Just more than two years ago, a group of residents formed a new political party. Our mission statement to the electorate was to put…

Show Photo ID for Postal or Proxy Vote, Woking Council ‘Requests’

By Julie Armstrong local democracy reporter Labour has accused Woking council of potentially hindering marginal groups from voting by asking those who want a postal or proxy vote to provide…

Mystery of St Catherine’s Hill Continues, Cave Talk Reveals Sparse New Evidence

By Dr Mary Alexander Highlight of the Surrey Archaeological Society’s annual symposium on recent excavations was about the mysterious cave on St Catherine’s Hill, found by Network Rail last year…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.227

By Malcolm Fincham A dramatic change of weather once again bestowed itself upon us as we approached the last two weeks of February. Temperatures had increased by 14 degrees or…

Life in Solitary: How Are Your Quirks?

The Lockdown Diary of Tony Edwards Questioning Our Quirks in Lockdown I’ve noticed lately that I reach for my specs when I answer the telephone.  I know – sounds a…

Letter: The Weyside Urban Village Project Requires Urgent Attention

From: Christian Holliday Former Conservative borough councillor In response to: GBC Project Handling Bungled, Committee told in Shock Outburst A devastatingly open statement by the lead member for Regeneration, but…

Opinion: When Guildford Really Was A Dirty Old Town!

By David Rose It’s easy to look at old photographs and say “wasn’t it so much nicer back then”, and “what a shame they pulled those lovely buildings down”. Having…