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When Bob’s Drumming Kept The Beat At Local Venues

This is the third instalment of Bob Hind’s memories – this time about his time playing local bands and the history stories he now writes his local newspaper the Portsmouth News. The…

Proposed New Railway Station Buildings Are Too High Says The Guildford Society

Pressure is being put on developers to reduce the hight of the buildings it wants to create in the revamp of Guildford railway station. The Guildford Society says that building group Solum should reduce…

Poppies In Abundance As Services Take Place Across Guildford To Remember War Dead

Services have been taking place across Guildford this weekend to remember our war dead – with poppies in abundance this year, no doubt inspired by the incredible display at the Tower…

Working On The Railway By Bob Hind And His Award-winning Staff Magazine

This is the second instalment of Bob Hind’s memories – this time his career on the railways based first at Woking and then London Waterloo, plus the staff magazine he…

Bob The Butcher at Bernard’s In the 1970s

A reader from Porstmouth, Bob Hind, noticed some correspondence on the Guildford Dragon about butcher’s shops that were once in North Street. He got in touch saying he worked for one of them…

Opinion: A Tale of Two Meetings

By Martin Giles “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the…

Lovelace By-Election – Candidate Interview – Ben Paton Conservative

The Conservative nomination for the Lovelace by-election has been announced. It is Ben Paton an Ockham resident, a member of the Guildford Greenbelt Group and a vociferous opponent of the…

Lovelace By-Election – Candidate Interview – Colin Cross Lib Dem

The Liberal Democrats were the first to announce a candidate nomination for the Guildford Borough Council by-election in Lovelace ward, in the north-east of Guildford borough covering Ripley, Wisley and…

My Direct Family Link With The Great War

By Martin Giles A hundred years seems like a long time. Few of us live that long and given that we can remember little of our first few years the…

Letter: Extra Lanes and Extra Houses Will Not Solve Our Problems

From Adrian Atkinson Proposals for extra fourth and fifth lanes for our roads reminds me of an ancient Ben Elton sketch describing additional lanes on the M25. He compared it…