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Letter: How will the Masterplan Encourage Modal Shift?

From: David Ogilvie Architect I would ask Sam Peters, who commented on my letter Modal Shift Is Wishful Thinking, Without Access the Town Will Die, what provision he sees in…

Letter: Modal Shift Is Wishful Thinking, Without Access the Town Will Die

From: David Ogilvie Architect See: It is Not Too Late for an Essential, New East-West Route The A3 tunnel will cost £billions and is in a different cost league from…

Letter: Debenhams – What’s Your View?

From: Gavin Morgan I was amazed that 207 people objected to the plans for a floodlit sports ground at Urnfield but that only 13 have commented on the plans for…

Updated: Walnut Bridge Installation – Phase 1 Nearing Completion

Phase 1 of the New Walnut Bridge route into our town centre is to be completed on December 3, Guildford Borough Council has announced. The old bridge will be removed…

Opinion: We Must Grab the Opportunity to Redevelop Debenhams

From: John Rigg  Lead councillor Regeneration and Major Projects Debenhams is acknowledged as our most important town centre site both as a standalone site and within its prominent and historic…

Letter: Debenhams – Let’s Not Get Nimby

From: Bill Stokoe chair of the Guildford Vision Group (GVG) I do hope that we are not returning to Nimbyland when it comes to the Debenhams proposals. The developer, unlike…

Only A Minority Oppose North Street and Debenhams Developments, Finds Survey

By Martin Giles Most Guildford residents support or are neutral about proposals to redevelop Debenhams and North Street, if a vox pop survey conducted by The Dragon yesterday (August 11)…

Letter: I Hope I See the St Mary’s Wharf Development In My Lifetime

From: Roslyn McMillan In response to: Nine Storeys Proposed for Debenhams Replacement ‘St Mary’s Wharf’ The buildings have to be taller than the existing slab of concrete because they will occupy…

Nine Storeys Proposed for Debenhams Replacement ‘St Mary’s Wharf’

By Hugh Coakley The apartment buildings that will replace Debenhams will be eight and nine storeys high if the proposals from developer Native Land progress as planned. And the chair…

Opinion: Why Tory Bosses Can Disregard Fallout from Guildford’s Housing Boom 

By Martin Giles Conservative party bosses care more about their building developer donors than they do about Guildford. This should not be a shock to you. It has been obvious…