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PCSO Nick Sharpe Leaves to Join the CID

Published on: 29 Feb, 2012
Updated on: 1 Mar, 2012

PC Nick Sharpe

After three years, Police Constable Nick Sharpe is leaving his job as a Neighbourhood Specialist Officer (NSO), in the villages to the south of Guildford, to join the CID. Part of his patch included a little of St Catherine’s, including St Catherine’s Hill.

He told the St Catherine’s Website, “The most interesting aspect of the work is trying to serve those communities… [and] keep them safe which includes personal safety, safety of people’s homes and safety whilst people travel on the roads. The local Parish Councils, Resident Groups and other Key Partners (such as Guildford Borough Council) have made a huge difference to me being able to do this. It is always incredibly refreshing to see the amount of voluntary work that goes on in local communities which helps build a better place for us all to live in.

The most frustrating aspect of police work for me, personally, is dealing with alcohol related disorder. However, we all have things in our work and life that we don’t enjoy dealing with!!

Some of the most satisfying jobs I have been involved in the last three years in my villages have been:

  • Getting a male with mental health issues assessed in a prison which resulted in him being transferred to a secure mental health hospital. Since his release about two years ago he has not been arrested. This has been remarkable as he had been arrested over 150 times by Surrey Police for some very serious offences. This was only possible with the help of Guildford Borough Council Housing Team and the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)
  • Obtaining funding of £500 for two local youth projects that has come from assets we seized from criminals who committed serious crime
  • Arresting three males in Chilworth who were driving around our area and came from out of our county. They had equipment on them to break in to cars and houses and there were drugs in their vehicle. We later linked them to some other crimes including theft of cars and fraud. These males were spotted by myself and a colleague on a routine patrol in our villages.

Nick with some weapons he seized from 'Cold Callers'. Following arrest They were convicted for the possession of offensive weapons.

There are many other stories of good jobs I could mention. The common link between them all is the public’s help in reporting incidents to us.

Thank you to your community for your help in my role over the last three years. I will take a lot of learning points with me to my new role on CID.”

We say thank you to Nick and wish him good luck and success in his new job.

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