Fringe Box



Pic ‘n’ Mix Local Artists Show Their Work At The Harvey Road Gallery

Published on: 3 Nov, 2017
Updated on: 2 Nov, 2017

By Louisa Magnussen

Among sunflowers and swans, photographs of Mungo Jerry and Status Quo adorn the walls at the eclectic Serendipity Exhibition this year.

Staged by a group of local artists who call themselves Pic ‘n’ Mix, the exhibition opened to the public on October 30 at Guildford’s Harvey Road Gallery and has seen a constant footfall of visitors since.

A Robin’s not just for Christmas by Naomi Beevers.

Local photographer and supported learning assistant at the adult learning centre, where the gallery is situated, Sylvia Reading, said: “It’s called Serendipity because it means a lucky find and there’s something here for everybody.”

The mixture of artistic styles is evident on entry as you are welcomed by a central table of ceramic works and surrounded by the paintings, photographs and textiles lining the four walls.

Suki Lowres, Harvey Gallery’s committee volunteer and photographer said: “There’s more variety this year. The first exhibition was just photographs and now it includes glasswork and textiles. The lovely thing is we’re all local.”

All the work displayed is for sale and one happy customer, Gill Jardine, who took home Fossil Vase by Julia Fennelly, said: “I think it’s quite unique. I would much rather buy things made by local artists which are unusual than I would from the large corporates. I also really like the enthusiasm of the artists present. It makes it feel quite personal. I shall be watching out for next year’s exhibition.”

Crafts by Julia Roberts-Brown.

Serendipity has been a collective effort from members of Pic ‘n’ Mix who have worked throughout the year to put the exhibition on for the fourth year running.

Suki said: “The Harvey Gallery is a fabulous resource as some of the students at  the adult learning centre get to exhibit here. Having a gallery close to the centre is brilliant.”

All funds from Suki’s work, Doors and Windows, are being donated to the Fountain Centre for Cancer patients in St Luke’s Cancer Unit at the Royal Surrey County Hospital.

The group support and inspire one another. Visitor to the exhibition Renee Cooper said: “I love it. Lorraine Hepburn (artist) has made so much progress from just photographs to now also exhibiting textiles and it’s because of the other artists that she’s doing more.”

The exhibition also houses a work by Naomi Beevers who was a finalist in Surrey Artist of the Year two years running.

Sylvia said: “We’ve already booked the space and next year’s theme will be whatever we find on our travels!”

Vases by Julia Fennelly.

The current exhibition is open until Friday, November 10, from 10.30am to 3.30pm weekdays and 10.30am to 1pm Saturday (closed Sunday).

Entry is free and the address of the gallery is Harvey Road GU1 3RX.

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