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Police Advise of Ockham Common Closure Over Easter Weekend

Published on: 28 Mar, 2013
Updated on: 31 Mar, 2013

Surrey Police BadgeMotorists planning to drive to the Ockham Common area over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend are being advised that there will be a number of road closures in the locality which might curtail access to the beauty spot.

The Boldermere and Pond car parks will be closed and there will be a closure on Old Lane up to the junction of Ockham Lane and Elm Lane, with access restricted to residents.

Surrey Police will be on hand to support road safety, enforce road closures and parking restrictions.

Temporary Borough Commander Amy Buffoni said: “The aim of alerting drivers to the traffic management scheme is to ensure the safety of those using the A3, its slip roads on to the M25 and to keep traffic flowing.

“Bank holidays often see a build up of congestion around routes leading to local open air attractions and by planning in advance I hope motorists can make plans to prevent delays and associated frustrations.”

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