Fringe Box



Police Resort to Fines and Arrests to Enforce Pandemic Restrictions

Published on: 8 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 8 Apr, 2020

Box Hill, overlooking Surrey Hills, where police had to move on sunbathers.

House parties, social gatherings and over 100 people sunbathing at Box Hill are just some of the breaches of the pandemic guidelines that Surrey police officers had to deal with over the weekend, although none are believed to have occurred with Guildford Borough.

Officers felt forced to resort to fining or arresting some who would not heed their advice.

A police spokesperson said: “Thankfully, almost everyone has listened to the advice given and only as a last resort have we had to enforce the restrictions with a fine or arrest for those that have simply ignored us.

“In the last five days, we’ve received over 278 reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) and people not respecting the restrictions currently in place.

“With the good weather, we understand that these restrictions are making it even more frustrating and entertaining the kids even more difficult, but please ask yourself:

  • Is that journey really essential?
  • Should I be inviting my friends/family over?
  • If your child is heading out for a ‘walk’ or some ‘exercise’, who are they meeting?
  • What impact are my actions having on my neighbours who are also having to stay inside?

“Dealing with these incidents means we could be taking valuable resources away from those that really need our help.”

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Responses to Police Resort to Fines and Arrests to Enforce Pandemic Restrictions

  1. Juliet Hills Reply

    April 8, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    What part of “This is dangerous,” do they not understand?

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