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Police Seek Witnesses After Assault on Woman in Ash Vale Pub

Published on: 20 Feb, 2024
Updated on: 22 Feb, 2024
Surrey Police are appealing for witnesses to an incident that happened in an Ash Vale pub in the early hours of January 1.
They are asking:  “Were you at The Admiral [public house] in Ash Vale on New Year’s Eve? We’re appealing for witnesses after a woman was assaulted by a man between 1am and 2am on January 1st.”
The police say a man in his 40s has been charged in connection with the incident and officers are appealing for information as they continue to investigate.
The police have asked: “If you were at the pub and witnessed the assault, or have any other information that could help our investigation, please contact us quoting PR/45240008478.”

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