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Precarious Tree Endangering Theatre To Be Removed ASAP

Published on: 26 Jan, 2024
Updated on: 29 Jan, 2024

Tree appears to be in danger of falling against the theatre at any time. Photo Alistair Smith

A tree has begun to lean dangerously towards the rear of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre and plans for its safe removal have been submitted in the last hour.

Possibly an Alder, the tree is rooted in the river bank which has been constantly saturated in recent weeks. It is not yet touching the building but appears precarious and needs to be removed before any damage is done.

The area by the tree is currently out of bounds and will remain so until removal is complete but the heavily used pedestrian thoroughfare, by the side of the theatre between Millmead Lock and Millbrook, remains open.

A spokesperson for the theatre said: “GBC, its tree officer and tree surgeons are all aware. They have been working together to plan its safe removal There have been quite a few factors to consider including the cost.”

Alistair Smith who kindly alerted The Dragon, commented: “It is in very awkward position. It will be interesting how it is removed and who pays.”

The National Trust owns the River Wey navigation which could affect liability.


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Responses to Precarious Tree Endangering Theatre To Be Removed ASAP

  1. Alan Judge Reply

    January 26, 2024 at 3:52 pm

    Well, if there’s a dispute over who pays, it’ll be left to crash into the theatre.

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