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Public Consultation for Walnut Tree Close Planning Proposal

Published on: 22 Oct, 2017
Updated on: 24 Oct, 2017

The flyer distributed in the areas neighbouring the proposed development site in Walnut Tree Close.

A proposal to build nearly 200 new one- and two-bedroomed homes in Walnut Tree Close is to be subject to a public consultation this week.

Peveril Securities and Sladen Estates have announced that they are preparing a planning application to build the 191 homes on a brownfield site opposite the National Trust’s Dapdune Wharf, a site formerly occupied by offices and light industrial users.

According to a flyer distributed in the local area the developers, “…would like to know what local people think about our proposals.”

The consultation is to be held in the Guildford Harbour Hotel, 2pm-8pm on Wednesday, October 25. Members of the design team will be available to answer questions. The proposed development is being called “Walnut Tree Park”.

On a dedicated website, it is stated: “Property prices are too high in the town for many to afford, and the shortage of purpose-built rental accommodation in Guildford is stifling employment opportunities. This development will provide the high-quality, affordable apartments for rent that Guildford’s local economy needs.”

An aerial view of the site as shown on the developer’s website.

Office units that previously occupied the site were demolished in 2013 and a planning application to develop the northern part of the site for a new 40,000 sq ft office scheme was granted consent by Guildford Borough Council two years ago.

But according to the developer’s website: “…after a full marketing campaign no offers were received from office occupiers to take the space on either a leasehold or freehold basis.”

The yellow office buildings that fronted onto Walnut Tree Close which were demolished in 2013.

It is also revealed that Peveril Securities & Sladen Estates have exchanged contracts to acquire the Nissan car dealership to the south of the site to facilitate a larger residential development.

Previously it has been stated, during council debates, that the Environment Agency had designated the area as unsuitable for residential developments, owing to the flood risk. Other properties in Walnut Tree Close have been flooded when the Wey has broken its banks.

But the developers say they have addressed the flood risk: “Following discussions with the Environmental Agency their comments have been taken on board to ensure the scheme has been designed so that the buildings won’t flood.”

Also shown on the developer’s website is an artists impression of how the proposed development would look once completed.

Under the heading, “A High Quality Scheme” the developers say: “Extensive analysis of key characteristics in the local area, such as building design and material types, has informed the approach to the design of the scheme.

“The development and its surrounding landscaping are intended to not only complement but enhance the setting of the River Wey and improve the experience of people using the river towpath or visiting Dapdune Wharf.”

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Responses to Public Consultation for Walnut Tree Close Planning Proposal

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    October 23, 2017 at 7:44 am

    Walnut Tree Close was opened up in the sixties to relieve the flow of traffic in the Woodbridge Road.

    The traffic flow is far greater these days and currently this area is subject to considerable congestion. The situation will not improve with such a new build.

    Has this been taken into consideration?

    • Nick Hower Reply

      October 23, 2017 at 1:51 pm

      Bernard Parke’s comment is irrelevant. The properties will generate as much traffic, if not less than the business complex there, until 2013.

      The main objection will be the height which will need reducing for it to be acceptable to the local area. The non-stop concern over congestion of Walnut Tree Close always forgets that Woodbridge Road is also a residential area. If they do make the road access only, whenever there is an incident on Woodbridge Road there will be chaos. Food for thought.

  2. Peta Malthouse Reply

    October 23, 2017 at 11:42 am

    I agree with Bernard Parke in part. However this sort of development is much needed and the traffic flows in the town must be addressed and so I hope this will force the borough council to address those issues positively, especially if Peverils expertise can be utilised. This is where small unit accommodation is needed.

    I would like to see a proportion made available to downsizers and key workers.

  3. Gordon Bridger Reply

    October 24, 2017 at 10:05 am

    The height of this building is totally out of scale and character with the site and would extend the appalling Solum design to this area.

    I note there is a consultation at the Harbour Hotel on Wednesday 25 pm – I hope this attempt to turn us into Woking look-alike will be rejected.

  4. Aubrey Lehay Reply

    October 31, 2017 at 10:18 am

    Be interesting to know how developers intend to turn it into a flood free zone.

    Is it higher or lower than TS Queen Charlotte? There will be no underground parking, for sure.

  5. Susan Kay-Attwood Reply

    November 8, 2017 at 12:33 am

    Actually, there is underground parking for 84 cars as they propose an incline up from the river so it will be higher than TS Queen Charlotte. Most of the units won’t have a parking space. They are cramming 191 flats in there. They will all be for rent from another company.

    With this and Trinity Quarter being built there will be over 240 new flats in quite a small area without even one parking space per flat meaning more road and foot traffic.

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