Fringe Box



Rain Holds off for Successful Parish Fete

Published on: 19 Jun, 2012
Updated on: 19 Jun, 2012

The rain held off and the sun shone, but it was rather windy. However, it didn’t put off all those who visited the parish of Westborough’s Grand Summer Fete on Saturday, June 16, held on the grass in front of St Clare’s Church in Park Barn.

Fred Smith and Jackie-Drake Smith.

With so much rain during the week, it was touch and go whether the parish would be able to hold its annual summer fete on the grass in front of St Clare’ Church. Fete organiser Fred Smith took the gamble to hold it outside after consulting weather forecasts that stated it would remain dry during the afternoon. It did and it paid off.

Those who came, young and old, enjoyed a traditional-style fete that featured stalls selling all manner of goods, a tombola, raffle, plant sales, cake sales, plus a number of old-fashioned games such as hoop la, that the youngsters really enjoyed. There was also a bouncy castle, face painting and a visit from an ice-cream van.

Well done to Fred and all those who helped to set up, man the stalls and stands and to those who helped pack it all away – just before the rain returned!

Here are a selection of photos taken at the fete.

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