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Raising Awareness Between Getting Debt Help And Improving Mental Health

Published on: 14 May, 2019
Updated on: 14 May, 2019

Trained members of Westborough United Reformed Church are raising awareness of the link between getting debt help and improving mental health, coinciding with Mental Health Awareness Week (May 13 to 19).

New research from the charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) mirrors the everyday experience witnessed at the church, which runs the local debt centre on behalf of the churches in Guildford.

CAP’s latest report, titled Changing Perceptions, reveals that clients are commonly dealing with multiple issues as well as financial stress and that both can be improved by asking for help.

A quarter of debt clients say the main reason for their situation is low income closely followed by poor mental health.

Guildford’s CAP debt centre manager Jane Seals, from Westborough URC, said: “We have known for a long time that people suffering with problem debt often have other issues in their lives. There is complexity in people’s lives and we are here to offer help and support.”

One client, Elizabeth*, said: “I felt restricted and trapped by the debt, like I was a prisoner to it, wearing invisible chains. I was really down, thinking there was no way out and it wasn’t going to get better.”

With the help and support she received from CAP she now says: “I’m not in debt and that’s big. It eases the mental health pressures not having to think about it. I was able to decorate my flat too – painted every room. I’ve gone from a big minus to a big plus in two years.”

* Name changed to protect anonymity

If you are struggling with debt and feeling overwhelmed contact CAP on 0800 328 0006 or visit

CAP is a UK charity determined to reduce UK poverty delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs and support for people breaking addictions.

It only works through the church (more than 600 of them!). Take the online tour

CAP is committed to its services being available to all individuals regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

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