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Repair At Last For Wodeland Avenue – Now For A 20mph Speed Limit

Published on: 6 May, 2013
Updated on: 9 May, 2013
Wodeland Avenue - Resurfacing almost complete

Wodeland Avenue – Resurfacing almost complete

Wodeland Avenue is being resurfaced. Work is now due to be completed on Thursday after a delay caused by inadvertent damage to a water main when the surface was planed.

When asked if water mains are not normally laid too deep to be damaged by resurfacing, a workman responded: “You would think so wouldn’t you? But we find we can never tell.”

The road which acts as a “rat-run” for many drivers, seeking to avoid the town centre gyratory, has been suffering from pot-holes for well over a year.

Recently re-elected county councillor David Goodwin (Lib Dem, Guildford SW) said: “I am very happy that this work has been carried out, the road was in a state.

“We do have a sequence of work for these road repairs but residents should know that if they report potholes they should, normally, if they are not too deep, be repaired within three days, unless resurfacing is due, in which case we wait for that to be carried out.”

The project has been delayed by damage done to a water main during surface preparation. This final stretch affected by the water leak should be resurfaced by Thursday evening

The project has been delayed by damage done to a water main during surface preparation. This final stretch affected by the water leak should be resurfaced by Thursday evening

A resident in the road said she had enjoyed the break in traffic while the road was closed for repair. She also complemented the crew carrying out the works saying that they had been both polite and helpful.

She added: “It was a shame we had to wait so long but I presume it is all to do with the availability of necessary funds.”

Cllr Goodwin concluded: “Hopefully, we can now move on and look forward to getting the 20mph speed limit in place.”

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Responses to Repair At Last For Wodeland Avenue – Now For A 20mph Speed Limit

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    May 7, 2013 at 9:37 pm

    Wodeland Avenue Is now a single track road due to parking on both sides of the road.

    You are lucky if you can achieve five miles per hour.

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