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Repairs At Last To Burst Main – But How Much Water Has Been Wasted?

Published on: 2 Apr, 2013
Updated on: 4 Apr, 2013
Repairs at last to the broken water main in Old Palace Road

Repairs at last to the broken water main in Old Palace Road.

Workmen contracted by Thames Water arrived today (Tuesday, April 2) to fix a broken water main that has been discharging clean water across Old Palace Road for over a week.

The repair follows the revelation in The Guildford Dragon NEWS that Thames Water had been given permission to carry out the repair by Surrey County Council on March 21, despite a spokesperson claiming, on March 28, that obtaining council permission was the obstacle preventing progress.

Surrey County Councillor Fiona White (Lib Dem, Guildford West), alerted by The Guildford Dragon NEWS of the situation, rang Thames Water over the Easter weekend and ascertained, what were later admitted to be, the true facts.

The amount of water that has been wasted has not been calculated.

One of the other four leaks reported. This one is on the Park Street part of the gyratory

One of the other four leaks reported. This one is on the Park Street part of the gyratory.

The Guildford Dragon NEWS today (April 2nd) spoke again to Thames Water to ensure that it was also aware of four other water leaks that our reporters have observed in Guildford – two in Walnut Tree Close, one on the gyratory in Park Street / Farnham Road, and one in Midleton Industrial Estate Road.

Thames Water stated: “Our aim is always to get leaking pipes repaired as soon as possible. Sometimes, this takes longer than we would like – either because of complexities of the repair or if it’s in a busy location- and for that, we are sorry. Our engineers will be getting these repaired as soon as possible.”

See also: Broken Water Main – Thames Water Admit Error

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Responses to Repairs At Last To Burst Main – But How Much Water Has Been Wasted?

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    April 2, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    Thank you Dragon NEWS you have help us in this unfortunate situation where others have failed!

    Thanks also to Cllr Fiona White for her helpful intervention.

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