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Restaurants Now Delivering Takeaways Need Public Support To Survive

Published on: 25 Mar, 2020
Updated on: 31 Mar, 2020

By Hugh Coakley

On Day 1 of the coronavirus nationwide lockdown (Tuesday, March 24), the streets were eerily quiet. Pubs and restaurants have been closed by government order as well as shops, and people were staying at home.

This is forcing restaurants and food companies to change from customers coming to them to delivering food and takeaways just to survive.

Positano Italian restaurant in Tunsgate is turning to takeaway deliveries to avoid closure.

Without any other obvious options, the hope that home deliveries can make up for some of the sudden loss of business is an attractive thought. But it isn’t proving to be the answer for all. The message from the restaurants is that they need support and more orders from the public to last the crisis out.

But it wasn’t just the pressing need for income in these dire times when The Guildford Dragon NEWS spoke to Guildford restaurant owners; it was also a desire to help out in the crisis.

Franco, owner of the Positano Ristorante in Tunsgate, said he was delivering takeaways because: “Otherwise, we close. It is tragic times but we are all in one ship. We have to be positive.

“I am keeping all of my staff on and even paying rent for some of them. They are all Italian and young. We will be delivering by cycle and scooter in roughly a three-mile radius.

“We are also offering free delivery for shopping, groceries and medicine for elderly people in our area. We are just happy that we can do something for them.”

Ibrahim Mohsen, owner of Jeita Lebanese restaurant in Chertsey Street, said: “We have changed over to delivery. What else can we do? We will just have to see how it goes.”

Flynn’s, the butchers, is teaming up with Cheesman fruit and veg wholesalers and the Christmas Bakery to provide a home delivery service.

The butchers, Flynn’s of Guildford on Aldershot Road has teamed up with Cheesman Brothers, the fruit and veg business and the Christmas Bakery in Worplesdon to set up what is proving to be a popular home delivery service.

With Flynn’s restricting opening times to three hours a day due to safety reasons for the staff, it is acting as a co-ordinating hub for the three businesses, Tom Flynn said: “We are struggling to keep up with the demand. We are looking to get an extra phone.

“We have minimum orders because our margins are tiny. We want people to stay home whenever they can. That’s why we are doing this.”

Beijing Chinese restaurant, Worplesdon Road, Stoughton.

Staff from the Beijing Restaurant on Worplesdon Road, Stoughton were too busy to speak to The Dragon. However, its website stated: “As the spread of Covid-19 continues, we are working our best to maintain the business. We will only be offering a takeaway and delivery service in the evenings. We hope everyone stays safe and sticks together as a community through this time. Thank you.”

The Indian restaurant in Guildford High Street, Shah’s Secreto, had also started a delivery service. Shah said: “It’s difficult times but we will continue. Without government help, we can’t survive. It will get better eventually.”

Ravindran Binuraj, owner and chef of the Indian restaurant in Jeffries Passage, Guildford, Raviz, said: “It is very quiet now but delivering takeaways is a new venture for us. We are delivering to postcodes GU1 to GU3. Hopefully things will pick up soon.”

The owners of Meat The Greek and Theion Greek restaurant, both in Chapel Street, Guildford sounded downcast when he said that they were not busy but were carrying on. “The trouble is nobody knows how long it will last.”

Restaurants and food providers are trying to adapt to the life-changing circumstances that are being brought about by Covid-19. Some may not survive. But they may just hang on if the public supports them.

If you know of or are delivering takeaways or food in the Guildford area, let us know, by leaving a reply in the box below, and we will add the business to this story.

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Responses to Restaurants Now Delivering Takeaways Need Public Support To Survive

  1. Ben Darnton Reply

    March 26, 2020 at 9:16 am

    We had a hamper of meat, vegetables and essentials like milk delivered from Flynn’s yesterday as I am not keen on venturing into a supermarket at the moment and I can recommend their service.

    It’s important to keep these businesses running during the Caronavirus lockdown.

    So let’s hope the Government take steps to keep small businesses and the self employed going with their announcement of aid for them later today.

  2. D Watkins Reply

    March 26, 2020 at 2:18 pm

    I know that Veru from Robin Hood restaurant in Guildford is offering to do grocery deliveries as well as Ready-to-cook meals and Hot and Cold take away.

    Robin Hood is an independent (one woman band) so she’s doing everything she can to keep afloat (grocery deliveries, ready meals) whilst she still has bills to pay. Plus her food is amazing!!

    I agree with Ben – we need support these Indies now more than ever.

    Her mobile # is 07736337770

  3. Barbara Ford Reply

    March 26, 2020 at 3:00 pm

    We had a takeaway from Raviz in Jeffries Passage last week – a full and varies meal: superb!

    It’s in all our interests to keep these special, local and independent restaurants and suppliers in business – enlightened self-interest!

  4. David Simmons Reply

    March 27, 2020 at 1:01 pm

    I know Kokoro in North Street is open for takeaway service and Deliveroo delivery as I brought some food there the other day. It is open from 12 midday till 9pm.

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