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Royal Surrey Receives £2,500 from The Queen’s Fund

Published on: 16 Feb, 2017
Updated on: 18 Feb, 2017

Royal Surrey County Hospital (RSCH) is receiving a £2,500 gift from the Queen’s charitable Patron’s Fund. The fund was set up on the occasion of her 90th birthday to acknowledge the work of charity organisations for which the Queen acts as a patron.

The primary aim of the donation is to support services that directly, or have the potential to, benefit patients of the Royal Surrey, principally through the provision of medical equipment and the money will be used to provide equipment for the hospital’s Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit.

Paula Head

The RSCH Trust’s chief executive, Paula Head said: “We’re delighted and honoured to have Her Majesty, The Queen as one of the patrons of the Royal Surrey.

“Tragically one in five pregnancies will end in miscarriage and this generous donation will be put towards our appeal to create a dedicated and protected environment for these women.

“The trust needs to raise in excess of £500,000 to create an Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit, which will provide its own scan, examination and counselling rooms, recovery area and a separate waiting and reception, which is not overlooked.”

Sir Stuart Etherington, chair of the board of trustees for the fund, said: “The Patron’s Fund is very pleased to be able to support the Royal Surrey with its valuable work. The trust is among hundreds of organisations for which The Queen acts a Patron, which between them make a difference to causes and communities in the UK throughout and the Commonwealth.”

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Responses to Royal Surrey Receives £2,500 from The Queen’s Fund

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    February 16, 2017 at 10:04 pm

    In view of the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit appeal, why have the trust cancelled four full time midwifery posts?

  2. Monica Jones Reply

    February 17, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    That’ll go a long way.

    • Dave Middleton Reply

      February 18, 2017 at 12:56 pm

      It’s still better than nowt, or as my old dad used to say, “Tha’s better thun a poke in’t eye wi’ a sharp stick”.

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