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Seeding To Take Place To Round Off Moggy Pond Revamp

Published on: 9 May, 2013
Updated on: 9 May, 2013

This Saturday sees another important step in the revamp of the pond area on Bellfields Green, as volunteers will be gathering to sow grass seed.

Three people who have been key to overseeing the  improvments on Bellfields Green. Guildford borough councillor (Stoke ward) Zoe Franklin, community safety warden Gary Jones and Nikki King.

Three people who have been key to overseeing the improvments on Bellfields Green. Guildford borough councillor (Stoke ward) Zoe Franklin, community safety warden Garry Jones and Nikki King.

Despite the set back recently when one of the newly delivered stone seats disappeared before it was cemented in place, the team who have been behind the project are looking forward to not only this Saturday’s gathering, but the official celebration of the rejuvenation and ‘opening’ to show off the improvements – next Saturday, May 18.

The pond has been cleaned up and new path has been laid around it with some wooden boards at the locally named Moggy Pond’s edge.

Community safety warden Garry Jones said that B&Q has kindly donated 3,600 sq m of grass seed and Homebase has donated 1,000 sq m of seed, so there should be enough to sow the area around the pond.

Local residents will be helping out along with members of the 2nd Guildford (St Peter’s) scout group, and young people from St Peter’s Shared Church, that is opposite the green.

Nikki King, who has been instrumental in overseeing and helping out with the revamp to this corner of the green, said that some willow trees will also be planted there and that work started back in January.

Funding for the Bellfields Greenspace Project has come via Surrey County Council’s Travel SMART initiative to the tune of £3,000. Funding will also go towards the Fir Tree Road community garden project.

The Moggy Pond on Bellfields Green.

The Moggy Pond on Bellfields Green.

But everyone is looking forward to the official opening on May 18 to which county and borough councillors have been invited. The fun takes place from 11am to 2pm,and there will be the Play Rangers team and representatives from the emergency services. All are invited to go along.

This Saturday’s grass sowing takes place from 10am and people welcome to help.

Another date for the diary is July 6 that sees a community fun day on the green.


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Responses to Seeding To Take Place To Round Off Moggy Pond Revamp

  1. Hayley king Reply

    January 27, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    Hello, I’m Nicola’s daughter Hayley. I’m very proud of what she has done to Guildford Moggy Pond, it looks amazing and I hope she keeps doing this, WELL DONE MUM !!!!!

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