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Sleep£asy – Dragon NEWS Fundraising Reaches 50% of Target

Published on: 5 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 7 Feb, 2013

Sleep £asyThe Guildford Dragon’s fundraising for the YMCA’s Sleep£asy sleep out appeal has reached the 50% mark. Our target is £1,000 and sponsorship contributions can be made until the end of this month.

The money will help the YMCA assist young homeless people in Guildford.

Please read our report of the sleep-out and, if you can, please help us reach our target. Many thanks to those of you have already contributed. It is very much appreciated.

If you wish to make a donation please click here or send a cheque direct made payable the YMCA to Chris McSween, YMCA, Bridge Street, Guildford, Surrey BU1 4SB. Please enclose a note saying it should be allocated to The Guildford Dragon’s total.

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