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St Peter’s Catholic School Delighted With ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted Report

Published on: 4 Mar, 2013
Updated on: 4 Mar, 2013

St Peter’s Catholic School in Merrow has been awarded outstanding commendations throughout in its latest Ofsted report.

St Peter's Catholc School, Merrow, Guildford.

St Peter’s Catholc School, Merrow, Guildford.

The secondary school in Horseshoe Lane East was noted to be outstanding overall, with the same rating in its achievement of pupils, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety of pupils and in its leadership and management.

In its report, Ofsted noted: “This is an outstanding school. Good, often outstanding, teaching allows students to make exceptional progress.

“GCSE results are consistently well above the national average, including English and mathematics. The proportion of students achieving the top grades is high, and rising.

St Peter's 03“Disabled students and those with special needs are extremely well cared for and many make outstanding progress as a result.

“Actions to promote reading and improve students’ literacy and communications skills are well planned, innovative and effective.

“Students enjoy learning together, are proud of the school and behave impeccably towards one another and adults.

“The headteacher communicates a calm determination that students at St Peter’s will achieve the very best. He and his senior leaders have focused determinedly on developing high-quality teaching and learning within a caring community.

“The sixth form is good and students make above-average progress by the end of their A-level courses.”

The inspection took place on February 13 and 14, and today (Monday, March 4), the school circulated the report to parents via email. A printed version of the report will be sent home with students later this week.

In the accompanying letter sent today, the headteacher, Robert Guinea, wrote: “We are all very pleased with the outcome and I am extremely proud of the staff and students. Having attained this great affirmation we are now embarking on our quest to become the most outstanding school in the country.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and very kind comments during the inspection which greatly impressed the Ofsted team.”

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Responses to St Peter’s Catholic School Delighted With ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted Report

  1. Pete Brayne Reply

    March 6, 2013 at 10:48 pm

    Great to see the old school doing so well. It’s come a long way since I attended in the 60s – it was a dreadful school in those days – at least that’s my excuse!

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