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Surrey Heartlands Heroes Help to Hit 500,000 Covid Vaccine Milestone

Published on: 31 Mar, 2021
Updated on: 31 Mar, 2021

One of the 500,000 Covid vaccinations being given in Chertsey

More than 500,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have now been administered across Surrey Heartlands.

The latest figures show a total of 510,700 doses have been delivered as of Wednesday, March 31.

Local leaders have been thanking staff and volunteers for their efforts since the programme launched on December 8, 2020. Special thank-you cards and “hero” treats will be delivered to all staff and volunteers this week.

Dr Claire Fuller, senior responsible officer for Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System, said: “Whether you are a member of staff or a volunteer, your role is invaluable in helping us deliver this incredible, life-saving programme.”

Tim Oliver, chair of Surrey Heartlands, said: “The local vaccination rollout has been, and continues to be, nothing short of remarkable and we couldn’t do it without you.”

The local NHS and partners have been running 29 vaccination services at hospitals, pharmacies and community locations including entertainment venues, GP practices, village halls and mosques.

Here a jab is given in a “vaccination bus” in East Surrey

Take-up of the vaccine remains strong with nine out of 10 people aged 60 and over having already taken up their first dose.

With an expected reduction in vaccine supply in April, those in the top nine priority groups (everyone aged 50 and over, carers and those with health conditions) are being urged to respond to invitations for their first dose.

The local NHS has also committed to delivering the agreed schedule of second doses and these will go ahead for anyone with a booked appointment. Anyone who is waiting to be invited is asked to be patient, local teams will be in touch at about 11 weeks after the first dose to book an appointment.

The 500,000 number has been reached since the statistics shown in this graph were published.

In line with the national target, local teams are on track to offer a vaccine to all those aged 50 and over, unpaid carers and people with underlying health conditions by the middle of April.

With restrictions on movement gradually beginning to ease this week, people are urged to continue following guidance to help minimise spread of the virus.

Hands – wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds;

Face – wear a face-covering in enclosed spaces (unless exempt);

Space – maintain two-metre social distancing;

Work from home if you can and travel only when necessary;

Up to six people or two households can meet outside;

– Socialise indoors only with people you live with or who are in your support bubble; and

– Self-isolate and book a test if you show any symptoms. Symptom free testing is also available for anyone needing to leave home for work or study, or those in the same household as a school or nursery pupil or someone who works in a school, nursery or college.

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