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Sombre Mood As Doomed Stoke Park Oaks Are Felled

By Hugh Coakley There was a sombre mood near the two fallen oak trees today (Friday, October 15) in Stoke Park. People passing stopped to look at the remains of…

Council ‘No Delay’ To Stoke Park Oaks Removal: Developer Says ‘Trees Can Be Saved’

By Hugh Coakley The two oak trees in Stoke Park, allegedly damaged during the construction of the newly opened Guilden Village, were still in place today (Wednesday, October 13). Both…

Doomed Stoke Park Oaks Felling As Early As Monday – ‘Criminal Investigation’ Ongoing

By Hugh Coakley Angry letters to The Guildford Dragon NEWS and a flurry of negative comments swiftly followed Guildford Borough Council’s announcement on Thursday, October 7, that two damaged oak…