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Woman Charged With Dangerous Driving Following A3 Collision

A woman has been charged with dangerous driving and driving while over the prescribed limit following a collision on the A3 at Ripley in January. Perri Game, 21, of Oxford,…

Waitrose Plan Opinion – What about the Kids and the Seniors?

By Ollie Clokie, Chairman of G4 Residents Association Two years ago Guildford had a day centre for old people – somewhere they could pop into and have a cup of…

Guildford Waitrose Exhibition Attracts Large Numbers

The Guildford Waitrose exhibition, at the Guildhall, attracted more than 1,000 visitors by 1pm today (April 21) when it closed. Visitors were able to view the exhibition, talk directly to…

Traffic Problems Require Proper Planning

from Bibhas Neogi Without proper planning to deal with traffic problems, development investments by Guildford Borough Council and others could prejudice future solutions and make them more expensive and difficult…

Masterplan? Come On Guildford Borough Council, Start Again

from Julian D S Lyon MBA FRICS Onslow Village Guildford desperately needs to address its traffic congestion (clearly confirmed by the meeting of 150 to 200 people on 21st March…