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The Dragon Says: Surge To Support NHS Shamed By Anger Of Selfish Shoppers

Published on: 26 Mar, 2020
Updated on: 27 Mar, 2020

That 500,000 people have volunteered to support the NHS demonstrates the finer side of our society, so do the patient queues of shoppers following the rules and requests.

But alas, we are shamed by those selfish shoppers who rage at supermarket staff when prevented from excessive bulk-buying.

Why anyone still behaves like this, after a month of being told not to bulk-buy, that there is plenty of food in the supply chain and that the most vulnerable should take priority, is hard to fathom.

That some shoppers feel justified in releasing their frustration over shortages and purchasing limits on hapless staff truly beggars belief. How rude, thoughtless and downright stupid.

Perhaps managers should have their security staff, in suitable protective clothing, march offenders out without their shopping. The word would soon get round.

This morning (March 26), the BBC reported there is a billion pounds’ worth of extra groceries in people’s homes at present. Rather than unnecessarily stocking up shouldn’t we be worrying more about those who don’t have the capacity, or the money to even get what they need?

And can’t more be done to help distribution of groceries? We are told to maximise use of delivery services but to register for them now seems impossible and even those who are registered face weeks of delay before they can book a slot.

Perhaps some of the volunteers could be deployed to this? Doubtless, that is not as easy as we might think but we are being advised to minimise sorties from our home and one of the main reasons for venturing out is to get food.

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Responses to The Dragon Says: Surge To Support NHS Shamed By Anger Of Selfish Shoppers

  1. Helen Avery Reply

    March 27, 2020 at 5:24 pm

    Good idea re security staff ejecting abusive customers. And no sign of any managers on the shop floor helping support their staff.

  2. Sue Fox Reply

    March 28, 2020 at 1:59 pm

    Local Waitrose on Worplesdon Road doing a sterling job, but can’t stock everything it’s small.

    Finally got a delivery slot with Sainsbury’s after my neighbour nearly 90 showed more persistence than me and tipped me off. However no loo rolls. Can someone please tell me why some people need so many?

    • Wayne Smith Reply

      March 28, 2020 at 8:49 pm

      Found on WhatsApp …..

      “It was a quiet Monday morning in September 2053, when John awoke with a need to go to the bathroom. To John this wasn’t just any ordinary day! This was the day he would open the last package of toilet paper his parents bought in the year 2020.”

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