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Thieves Target Cars In Pitch Place and Stoughton – Police Warn Owners ‘Be Vigilant’

Published on: 11 Apr, 2013
Updated on: 17 Apr, 2013

smashed window 2Thieves struck three times within three days to steal items from cars in the Stoughton and Pitch Place area over the last weekend. They took small portable items and quantities of cash.

Police are now advising motorists in the area to be extra vigilant with car security.

The first incident happened in the Grange Road area sometime between 4pm on Friday, 5 April and 11am the following morning when a grey Land Rover parked on a driveway was targeted by thieves. A small bag of coins containing 10 pence and 20 pence coins to the value of £15 was stolen.

On Saturday (April 6th) an Ipod and a sat nav were stolen from a silver Volkswagen car parked in a communal car park in Worplesdon Road. The offence happened sometime between 1am and 8am and the goods are valued at £160.

A further incident in the Worplesdon Road area happened the next evening between 7.30pm on Sunday (April 7th) and 7am on Monday (April 8th) when a red Ford Fiesta was broken into by thieves. The driver’s side car window was smashed causing £70 worth of damage and a brown wallet was stolen.

The offences appear to be opportunistic with offenders trying vehicle door handles in a bid to take a chance and grab anything inside. The borough’s Crime Reduction Advisor Neil Smith is keen to alert motorists to the issue and is urging drivers to take a few simple precautions to ensure they do not become a victim of such a crime themselves.

He said: “Sometimes it is the most obvious things that residents forget to do when they are busy but it is always worth remembering to take any valuable items out of your car – this can be anything from tools and gardening equipment to laptops, sound systems and sat navs. Anything that can be easily seen or snatched should be taken out of a parked vehicle.

“It is similarly easy to forget to lock your car, particularly if it is parked on your own driveway, but it should always be secured. Where possible it is advisable to park an unattended vehicle in a locked garage or, if on the roadside, in an area which is well lit. And finally if you have a car alarm use it and if you have not got one fitted, consider buying one.”

logo-surrey-police-darkBGAnyone who may have seen suspicious activity in the area is asked to call Surrey Police on 101 quoting GD/13/2762, GD/13/2744 or GD/13/2803. Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously and free of charge on 0800 555 111.

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