Fringe Box



Time Is Running Out For Those Wishing To Object To The Waitrose Application

Published on: 2 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 2 Nov, 2012

From Bernard Parke

Hon. Alderman

The planning application for a new Waitrose supermarket on the site of the Bellerby Theatre, in Haydon Place, is due to be decided at the Planning Committee meeting on November 6th.

Objections are being raised because, although the plans would provide a welcome Waitrose Store for the town, it would exacerbate the traffic congestion in the town centre which often reaches epic proportions.

Before the application is allowed decided the traffic problem must be addressed.

I urge those concerned to write or email before the 6th November. Quoting reference 12/P/01020 sending it to the Guildford Borough planning department at Millmead. This can be done via the GBC Website.

Time is fast running out.

[Editor’s note: Letters in support of the application may also be lodged.]


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