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Ukrainians Thank People of Guildford for Their Support

Published on: 18 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 19 Nov, 2023

Ukrainians who came to Guildford and the surrounding areas under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme organised a food festival to thank the local community for their ongoing hospitality.

Pictures from the Ukrainian Food Festival in Friary Street, Guildford, on Sunday, November 12, 2023.

Inna Haitan, who helped to organise the event on Sunday, November 12, said, “We wanted to do the event to show gratitude to the people of Guildford and the surrounding villages for the warm welcome they extended to the Ukrainian community and continue to provide to us even now, after 20 months of war.

“We cooked traditional Ukrainian food such as varenyky (potato dumplings), holubtsy (stuffed cabbage leaves) and Ukrainian pancakes (mlyntsy) and handed it out to visitors to our stand.

“We were overwhelmed by the level of support. Over 500 people came to our stand – and many people generously donated money for us to send back to Ukraine.

“In fact, we raised £1,251 which was incredible! We are so grateful to the people of Guildford for their help, support and kindness.”

The money raised will be sent to Dnipro Hope Mission, a UK-based charity which helps children, older people and refugees in Ukraine.

Further donations can be sent to

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