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Vandal Thieves Break In To Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Shop

Published on: 27 Mar, 2020
Updated on: 30 Mar, 2020

Vandalising thieves broke into Phyllis Tuckwell’s hospice charity shop in Ash on Friday night (March 20), stealing jewellery and causing damage that will cost hundreds of pounds.

The intruders had kicked in the lower panel of the front door to gain access and wrecked the till by prising it open. But all Phyllis Tuckwell shop tills are left empty overnight.

They then damaged a locked drawer, broke open two counter collection boxes and stole the contents, taking jewellery and other items from a display case. The rear room was ransacked and all staff room lockers damaged as the thieves tried to prise them open. They will have to be replaced.

Barry Young, the charity’s retail operations manager, said: “We are already experiencing a fall in our income because we have had to cancel lots of our fundraising events due to Coronavirus.

“To now have had donated money stolen from us, and then have to pay out to have our damaged property repaired, will hurt our finances even further.

If you have any information relating to this break-in, please contact Surrey police.

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