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Vicar to Chair Political Meeting

Published on: 7 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 7 Mar, 2019

Revd Hugh Grear.

A Church of England vicar has agreed to chair a political meeting to be held this evening (March 7, 2019) because he “wants to help people have a voice”.

The Revd Hugh Grear, vicar at All Saints’ Church in Ockham, was critical of the panel of speakers at the first public meeting of the Residents for Guildford and Villages meeting last month, telling them that they were behaving like other politicians and not listening.

The new political group, an umbrella organisation for Independent candidates, responded by asking him to chair their meeting this evening.

Asked whether accepting the role of chairman at a political meeting could be seen to compromise his position as a man of the Church, the Revd Grear said: I agreed to be the chair for tomorrow night’s meeting, quite simply because I like to help and to serve anything that builds and fosters community. And that is exactly what motivates me as a clergy person.

So I don’t see any conflict of interest, because I want to help people have a voice locally. Proverbs 31 says that we should speak out for those who have no voice, and speak up for those who are vulnerable. Local politics at its best is doing just that. I don’t think local politics should be primarily about party, and I think that the group known as “R4GV” share this vision.

The Ockham vicar has been vociferous in his criticism of the proposed former Wisley Airfield development, even calling it “barmy!” Explaining this he added: “Yes, I think the plans for Three Farm Meadows are bonkers and barmy.

“It is the wrong development in the wrong place at the wrong time! Wrong for so many reasons – transport, road safety, density, visual impact, ecology, preservation of green belt, amenities – many of these impacts will be felt across the borough if the development ever goes ahead.  es, people need houses, but that need cannot magically correct these fundamental flaws.

“The various consultations on the local plan and on Wisley Airfield (which I prefer to call Three Farm Meadows) have generated tens of thousands of responses with no discernible willingness to listen on the part of GBC. So local people need to find their voices and be properly heard.

“As regards tonight’s meeting, I hope that there will be a good turnout, and that people will feel listened to – if I can help make that happen, all well and good.”

The R4GV meeting is to be held at 7.30pm at Guildford United Reformed Church, Portsmouth Road.

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Responses to Vicar to Chair Political Meeting

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    March 7, 2019 at 2:16 pm

    This is priceless, the Tories now seem have the Almighty’s troops lining up against their “barmy” Local plan.

    Perhaps they can be persuaded to listen to Him, as they have so totally failed to listen to residents.

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