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Water, Water Everywhere As Hose Pipe Ban Looms

Published on: 4 Apr, 2012
Updated on: 7 Apr, 2012

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A broken water main in The Mount, the ancient route that leads from Guildford High Street to the Hog’s Back, is causing thousands of gallons of clean water to be lost, just hours before the implementation of a hose pipe ban.

Local resident Lorimer Burn who took the photographs said: “The leak is three quarters of the way up The Mount. The water is gushing out. It’s good to see that [according to information on the signs] this leak is being attended to, but the completion date of the 7th of April is rather alarming, especially in the light of the hose pipe ban coming into force at midnight tonight.”

Thames Water confirmed that it had been first notified of the leak as early as March 25th. A spokesman said: “The cause of the leak is a broken water main. At first we thought it was waste water so the wrong team was sent, that wasted some time. We then had to wait to get permission to dig from Surrey County Council. In this case that did not take too long. Then, we have been told to go away twice by a local resident who did not like us working at night. We need to do the work at night to avoid causing a major traffic obstacle during the day. I don’t have information as to why the repair will take up to 7th April to fix.”

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Responses to Water, Water Everywhere As Hose Pipe Ban Looms

  1. Lorimer Burn

    April 5, 2012 at 6:24 pm

    I was really pleased to see that the leak has been fixed, and the road re-surfaced today Thursday, two days earlier than projected.
    However, I’m really concerned that an adjacent householder has the power to send a repair gang away not once, but on two successive nights because they were disturbing his or her sleep. This is ridiculous. This has to be a case where the common good far outweighs a personal inconvenience.

  2. R Harris

    April 12, 2012 at 5:00 pm

    I don’t think the comments by Thames Water are correct. They told us that they were going to fix it on Sunday 1st April, so we were told to move our cars but they didn’t turn up. It was actually fixed on Monday 2nd.
    The water main was probably damaged by the sheer weight of lorries going to the new builds at the top of The Mount. I reported the leak in March so it was not so much of an emergency that they needed to fix it overnight.