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Watts Gallery Announces Temporary Closure

Published on: 19 Mar, 2020
Updated on: 19 Mar, 2020

Watts’ Gallery Artists’ Village.

Watts Gallery Trust has announced that it will temporarily close Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village in response to the developing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. The closure will be in place from tomorrow until at least Easter and extends to the grounds of the Artists’ Village including the shop and cafe.

All events will also be postponed, and the charity will contact ticket holders in the coming days to offer a full refund.

Commenting, Alistair Burtenshaw, Director of Watts Gallery Trust, said:

“It is with deep regret that we are taking this decision, but the health of our staff, volunteers, visitors and the wider community is our priority.”

“We are very sorry not to be able to welcome visitors to Watts Gallery at this time.  Along with many other charities who are reliant upon visitors for their income, we are facing many challenges.  We want to take this opportunity to thank our friends for their on-going support and to thank everyone for their patience during this difficult period.”

“Although the Gallery is entering a period of temporary sleep, we will continue to share inspiring stories about our collection and work through our website, social media channels and Smartify – and we very much look forward to welcoming everyone back.”

For further information visit:

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