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Weeks Stretching Into Months While Electric Theatre Managers Remain Suspended

Published on: 20 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 20 Feb, 2013
The Electric Theatre, Guildford

The Electric Theatre, Guildford

An internal investigation into the conduct of two suspended managers at the Electric Theatre is still continuing four months after they were escorted from the building following a complaint from a member of staff.

Guildford Borough Council (GBC) initially said that the investigation was expected to take a matter of weeks. Although unconfirmed by GBC, the suspended officers are understood to be receiving full pay whilst the investigation continues.

The theatre remains in operation under interim management provided by HQ Theatres, who also manage G Live. Amanda Hargreaves, wife of G Live director Alvin Hargreaves is the interim manager.

A spokesperson for GBC said: “We are approaching the end of our investigation into a complaint at The Electric Theatre.

“The investigation has taken longer than anticipated in part because of difficulties accessing technical information. We cannot predict the outcome at this stage.

“HQ Theatres are providing interim management at The Electric Theatre and we are grateful for their assistance.”

The spokesperson refused to explain the nature of the charges against the two officers, saying: “It would be inappropriate to comment further until the investigation is concluded.”

Meanwhile there are reports that it is feared by some who produce shows at the theatre that it will be out sourced, making it less affordable for them. The out-sourcing of viable services is known to be a GBC objective.

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Responses to Weeks Stretching Into Months While Electric Theatre Managers Remain Suspended

  1. Pauline Surrey Reply

    February 21, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    Curiouser and curiouser! GBC seems to like escorting folk off their premises! And ominous, surely. There seem to be fewer drama productions there of late, although we have many excellent local groups, and the theatre was surely built as a home theatre for them, or am I mistaken?

  2. Name and address supplied Reply

    February 26, 2013 at 7:08 pm

    So which Borough Council staff or councillors are conducting the investigation into the alleged misconduct? What is the timetable? Does GBC think that an indeterminable wait can be justified? How do we know that correct procedures are being followed? Where is the transparency?

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