Fringe Box



Were You A 9th Guildford (Congregational) Scout?

Published on: 8 May, 2012
Updated on: 8 May, 2012

By David Rose

Here’s a photo from the 1960s that shows members of the 9th Guildford (Congregational) Cub Scout Troop.

It belongs to Jeff Gibbs, who says: “I was a cub scout from, I guess, the mid to late 1960s, at Chapel Street, under cub leader Barry Norris. The old akela being Mr Fry.

The group’s sponsor and its former leader was Harold Jeffery. He ran his gun shop in the High Street and allowed us to use an old small murky sunken swimming pool in his garden.

Members of 9th Guildford (Congregational) Cub Scouts and their leaders pictured in the 1960s.

“I am pictured at the front, row middle (‘necker’ off to one side). Barry Norris and Mr Fry are also in the photo. I know many of the names of those in the photo including John Arthur (third row, second from left as you look at it), who remains an old friend.”

Mr Gibbs originally sent the photo to John Pettett, who has been connected with the group for many years. Mr Gibbs had read my stories about the scout group including its special parade service that appeared under the Through Time section on the St Catherine’s Village website in November and January. This was before The Guildford Dragon News started up. Click here and here and here to read.

The group is now known as the St Nicolas 9th Guildford Group. If anyone would like to make contact with Mr Gibbs, or Mr Pettett, should they have any further vintage pictures or memorabilia, please email me, David Rose, in the first instance, to

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