Fringe Box



Where Is This? No.205

Published on: 15 Apr, 2016
Updated on: 15 Apr, 2016

By David Rose

Woodbridge Road and the Corn Market building that was adjacent to the cattle market was last week’s vintage picture, and the quirky picture featured the horse trough that can be found of the A246 at West Horlsey.

Well done to all who correctly identified the pictures and thanks to those who added extra comments – click here to see last week’s post and those comments.

Margaret Cole noted that the pictures “weren’t too bad”, I guess meaning not that difficult to work out. I wonder how she and everyone else will fare this week?

A well known village near Guildford. Which one?

A well known village near Guildford. Which one? Click on image to enlarge in a new window.

This week’s vintage picture shows a village in the borough of Guildford and is taken from a picture postcard that has a postmark of 1948.

Here are some clues: The picture features a pub sign for The Ship. In fact, the village still has quite a few pubs. It was once on the main road from London to Portsmouth.

Where can this feature by found? Do you know anything about it?

Where can this feature by found? Do you know anything about it?

Staying with features that once supplied drinking water, how about this one for the quirky picture? Another village, this one to the south of Guildford.

If you know where these are, please leave a reply in the box below – and extra details if you have them.

They will be published along with two more mystery images at about the same time next week. Good luck.


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Responses to Where Is This? No.205

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    April 15, 2016 at 6:48 am

  2. Dave Middleton Reply

    April 15, 2016 at 9:39 am

    The Street scene is Ripley High Street, outside The Ship public house, looking towards Guildford. It hasn’t changed that much, although the trees by the bus stop on the right have got a good deal bigger!

    The drinking fountain and water trough is at Shalford, at the junction of King’s Road and the A281 Horsham Road.

  3. Jan Cooper Reply

    April 15, 2016 at 9:56 am

    I believe this is in Shalford

  4. Harry Eve Reply

    April 15, 2016 at 12:03 pm

    The village is Ripley and the pub is The Ship.

    A ship would be appropriate for those travelling to and from Portsmouth especially in days gone by – and I think the pub is very old.

    The road is probably busier now than it was when it was the main road, and the junction nearby is a major cause of congestion – one of the insurmountable traffic problems for the Wisley Airfield site. Insurmountable unless you are a developer who believes that painting a few lines on the road and stopping local people from using a lane will solve everything.

    I think the bus shelter is still there but wonder how many buses serve Ripley nowadays.

    The feature appears to be an old drinking fountain in Shalford.

  5. John Lomas Reply

    April 15, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    The trough and fountain is the Queen Victoria Jubilee fountain at Shalford.

    Interesting to me, as it actually explains the pointed item that was mentioned in my reply to Where is This? No.198 which I thought might have been a war memorial.

    I think that the wide High Street is Ripley and surely the pub sign on the left of the picture is for The Ship.

    The property on the right of the picture offering All Night Service, the word Bar also appears on a lower sign, is now Thomas Ford & Sons a bespoke kitchen designer/supplier.

    What was originally there was it cafe? I hope they didn’t display a red light.

  6. John Perkins Reply

    April 16, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Finally, one I can do. That would be Ripley High Street facing west from outside the Ship. I would hazard a guess at 40s or early 50s. Surely Hodgsons Ales had long gone by then?

  7. Bill and Doug Stanniforth Reply

    April 19, 2016 at 4:34 pm

    Picture 1 is High Street, Ripley showing the sign for the Speedboat, sorry Ship Inn.

    Picture 2 is the drinking fountain and water trough in Shalford where we believe Martin ‘Tally Ho!’ Giles tethers his trusty steed? Is the crooked roundabout sign his fault after one too many sherbets?

    Judging by your wild imaginings you lads are taking more than sherbet! Ed

  8. Margaret Cole Reply

    April 19, 2016 at 6:11 pm

    The village scene is Ripley. I don’t think The Ship is there any longer but the tall building in the distance on the road to Newark is marking the spot of a garage.

    The jubilee Fountain is on a triangle off Shalford Green and was erected to commemorate 60 years reign of Victoria, by the people of Shalford. You can just see behind the Shalford sign with St Christopher carrying a child on it.

  9. Ray Springer Reply

    April 19, 2016 at 8:51 pm

    The village is Ripley.
    Still working on the quirky photo

  10. Ray Springer Reply

    April 19, 2016 at 9:05 pm

    Got it – it is at Shalford on the Horsham Road junction with Kings Road, near Shalford railway station.

  11. Brian Holt Reply

    April 19, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    The Ship pub, Ripley.

    The drinking fountain and horse trough is at the junction of Kings Road and The Street Shalford.

  12. Chris Townsend Reply

    April 20, 2016 at 7:59 pm

    The Ship is on Ripley High Street, a stop on the route of the turnpiked London to Portsmouth road in the days of coaching.

    The quirky picture shows the Jubilee Fountain and cattle trough at Shalford Common, to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897. The village sign is in the background, and the Horsham Road on the right.

    More info’ here:

  13. Eddie Russell Reply

    April 21, 2016 at 9:50 am

    In response to Margaret Cole. The Ship pub most certainly is still there. It is still a proper traditional pub although just one bar now. It has a big open log fire in colder weather and doesn’t have music blaring out or even TV.

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